Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 22
Nonlinear elastic analysis of concrete beams based on the Smeared Crack Approach
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020-02-07)
In the present study, an analysis of plain and reinforced concrete beams under monotonic loading was made based on the Fixed Smeared Crack approach. The objectives of this research were to analyze the nonlinear behavior ...
Análisis no lineal elástico en vigas de concreto a través del Modelo Fijo de Grietas DispersasNonlinear Elastic Analysis of concrete beams by the Fixed Smeared Crack Approach
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020)
Predição de propagação de fissuras através de modelos constitutivos locais e técnica de construção progressiva da trajetória de descontinuidade
(Univ Politecnica Catalunya, 2011-01-01)
This paper addresses the study of the quality and objectivity of responses obtained with the distinct formulations (symmetric and non-symmetric) of the discontinuity embedded finite elements, as well as with the local ...
Predição de propagação de fissuras através de modelos constitutivos locais e técnica de construção progressiva da trajetória de descontinuidade
(Univ Politecnica Catalunya, 2011-01-01)
This paper addresses the study of the quality and objectivity of responses obtained with the distinct formulations (symmetric and non-symmetric) of the discontinuity embedded finite elements, as well as with the local ...
2D evaluation of crack openings using smeared and embedded crack models
(TECHNO-PRESSCoreia do Sul, 2010)
A multiaxial fatigue damage model for isotropic materials
This paper presents a novel damage mechanics based failure model enabling the prediction of low cycle fatigue life and residual strength of isotropic structures under multiaxial loading. The approach herein proposed does ...
Simplified micro-modeling of partially-grouted reinforced masonry shear walls with bed-joint reinforcement: Implementation and validation
Partially grouted reinforced masonry (PG-RM) shear walls of hollow concrete blocks (HCB) have been an object of study during the last years. The non-constant cross-section of this type of structural element and the presence ...
Análisis no lineal elástico en vigas de concreto a través del Modelo Fijo de Grietas Dispersas
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020-01-24)
El presente estudio trata sobre el análisis del agrietamiento en vigas de concreto sujetas a cargas monotónicas a través de un cálculo pseudo-estático. El fundamento teórico se basa en el Método de Grietas Dispersas (Smeared ...
Computationally Efficient and Robust Nonlinear 3D Cyclic Modeling of RC Structures Through a Hybrid Finite Element Model (HYMOD)
(International Journal of Computational Methods, 2020)