Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 281
Listening practice through a virtual platform in an EFL Class
(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de DiosLicenciatura en Idioma Extranjero - Inglés, 2015)
The English language learning field nowadays finds itself growing with the emerging new technologies, however it is such a wide field that small parts of it need more attention depending on who is learning the language and ...
Sounds of the other side: a look at the John Cage's silent music from Acoustic Ecology, hybridization and musicking
(Univ Federal Goias, 2020-01-01)
From the reflections on Cage's 4'33, we discuss the implications of the use of silence in music, its reverberations regarding to traditional concept of work, of Western classical music, and its potential to coping with the ...
Hora do conto na creche com A história engatada
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-09-28)
This paper presents one of contações the project Time of the Center's Tale in Reading and Children's and Youth Literature "Maria Coelho Silva Betty" (CELLIJ), FCT / Unesp, which aimed to provide listeners with the Creche ...
Exploring the influence of pitch proximity on listener's melodic expectations
(American Psychological Association, 2013-09)
Two studies, one correlational and one meta-analytic, were conducted to explore whether pitch proximity influences listeners’ melodic expectations about pitch direction and tonality. Study 1 used a probe-tone task. ...
Hora do conto na creche com A história engatada
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016)
Hora do conto na creche com A história engatada
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)
Diagnosing the development of the listening skill in early education in public schools
(II Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada CONLA UNA, 2015)
El aporte lingüístico que el docente provee dentro del aula de inglés en Costa Rica es esencial para lograr competencia en la habilidad de escucha ya que, al darse dentro un contexto extranjero, la exposición de los ...