Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 58
Slow interaction dynamics in the spherical spin-glass model
(Elservier, 2003)
Slow interaction dynamics in the spherical spin-glass model
(Elservier, 2003)
A surprising physical interpretation of the replica number n was unveiledin the study of the equilibrium properties of the coupledd ynamics of fast Ising spins andslow interactions: n is the ratio of the characteristic ...
Many-spin quantum dynamics during cross polarization in 8CB
(American Institute of Physics, 2003-12)
We analyze theoretically and experimentally the quantum dynamics of a three-spin-1/2 system during cross polarization (CP). Our analysis takes into account a Hamiltonian behavior for a carbon C-13 coupled to two protons ...
Quench dynamics in spin crossover induced by high pressure
In this paper we have analytically and numerically studied the dynamics of spin crossover induced by time-dependent pressure. We show that quasi static pressure, with a slow dependence on time, yields a spin crossover ...
Magnetismo de baixa dimensão no Fe1-xCuxNbO4
(Pós-Graduação em FísicaUniversidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), 2023)
Long-time tails and anomalous slowing down in the relaxation of spatially inhomogeneous excitations in quantum spin chains
(American Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2002)
Long time tails in the dynamics of the spatially inhomogeneous magnetization of dimerized isotropic XY chains for spin s=1/2
(Elsevier Science BvAmsterdamHolanda, 1997)