Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 31
Comportamiento de anclajes postinstalados adhesivos en concreto liviano estructural de alta resistencia, sometidos a cargas de tensión y corte
(Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito, 2020)
Anchors are widely used today to join or support metal structures to concrete. In this union, there is a transfer of forces both in the elements that are joined (concrete and the metallic element) and in the transmitting ...
Análise dos efeitos das cargas transmitidas pelo escoramento às lajes de um edifício de concreto armado
(Universidade Federal do Pampa, 2017)
Miocene to Recent collapse calderas of the southern and central volcanic zones of the Andes and their tectonic constraints
(Springer, 2021-01-30)
Central (18–28° S) and Southern (33–46° S) Andean Volcanic Zones (CVZ and SVZ, respectively) have several Miocene to Recent collapse calderas. We compare their characteristics based on published data to identify how the ...
Detailed Structure of the Subducted Nazca Slab into the Lower Mantle Derived From Continent-Scale Teleseismic P Wave Tomography
(Blackwell Publishing, 2020-05)
Nazca subduction beneath South America is one of our best modern examples of long-lived ocean-continent subduction on the planet, serving as a foundation for our understanding of subduction processes. Within that framework, ...
Estudo numérico-experimental da influência dos mecanismos na resistência à força cortante de lajes alveolares protendidas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil - PPGECivCâmpus São Carlos, 2020-07-14)
The prestressed hollow core slabs present uncertainties regarding the evaluation of the resistance to the resistant shear force. This is because several parameters influence the shear-resistant mechanism of prestressed ...
Análise do comportamento e da resistência de um sistema de lajes mistas com ancoragem de extremidade com considerações sobre a forma de aço isolada e o atrito nos apoios
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2001-12-20)
The main goal of this work is to evaluate the behavior and the strength of the simply supported steel-concrete composite slabs with end anchorage after the concrete cured, with using the profiled steel sheeting Steel Deck ...
Dimensionamento de um pavimento em estrutura mista aço-concreto em situação de incêndio
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Tecnologia, 2019-07-17)
Mixed structures consist of the association of steel (such as formwork, in the case of slabs, and profiles, in the case of beams) with concrete, so both materials work together in resistance to mechanical stress. The use ...
Modelagem numérica de uma estrutura de contenção de estacas espaçadas atirantadas em areia
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA CIVIL, 2014-10-17)
Retaining walls design involves factors such as plastification, loading and unloading,
pre-stressing, excessive displacements and earth and water thrust. Furthermore, the
interaction between the retained soil and the ...
Levantamiento de una losa de piso sometida a flujo turbulento
Resumen: A raíz del reporte histórico de levantamiento de losas de 0.3 a 4 m de espesor total (espesor real más espesor equivalente en anclaje) bajo un caudal menor al de diseño y sometidas a flujo turbulento, se ha venido ...