Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Multiple cranial burr holes as an alternative treatment for total scalp avulsion
(SPRINGER, 2010)
Total scalp avulsion is a devastating injury in clinical practice. It often occurs in female adults, being rare in children. The standard treatment for scalp avulsion is microsurgical replantation, when feasible. Coverage ...
Manual ilustrado de tratamento dos ferimentos cutâneos descolantes dos membros inferiores
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-06-30)
Introduction: Skin avultions of the lower limbs are progressively more frequent in the daily practice of plastic surgeons. The increasing numbers of motorcycles in the streets and the heavy traffic in large Brazilian cities ...
Tratamento cirúrgico de ferimentos descolantes nos membros inferiores: proposta de protocolo de atendimento
(Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, 2010)
OBJETIVO: Apresentação e avaliação de protocolo para atendimento de pacientes com ferimentos descolantes dos membros inferiores através da retirada de enxerto de pele do tecido avulsionado e cobertura do leito cruento na ...
Tegu (teiu) bite: Report of human injury caused by a Teiidae lizard
(Alliance Communications Group Division Allen Press, 2008-06-01)
Lizards of the Teiidae family are large reptiles measuring up to 2 meters long. If threatened, they can demonstrate aggressive behavior by whipping their tail and occasionally biting. Here, we report a severe injury following ...
Tegu (teiu) bite: Report of human injury caused by a Teiidae lizard
(Alliance Communications Group Division Allen Press, 2008-06-01)
Lizards of the Teiidae family are large reptiles measuring up to 2 meters long. If threatened, they can demonstrate aggressive behavior by whipping their tail and occasionally biting. Here, we report a severe injury following ...
Avaliação longitudinal de parâmetros clínicos, hematológicos, bioquímicos e eletroforese de proteínas de cães com sarna demodécica tratados com Amitraz
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2010-07-16)
The canine demodecic mange (SDC) is a cutaneos inflammatory disease widespread throughout the world. Its related to the proliferation of Demodex mites acquired during first week of life by directcontact with the bitch. The ...
Lesão de Morel-Lavallée: relato de caso
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilMED - DEPARTAMENTO DE PEDIATRIAUFMG, 2020-09-25)
The injury of Morel-Lavallée, first described in the nineteenth century by the French surgeon Victor Auguste François Morel-Lavallée, is a soft tissue injury, particularly in the linimg areas of the bony prominences. The ...
Tegu (teiu) bite: Report of human injury caused by a Teiidae lizard
(Alliance Communications Group Division Allen Press, 2014)
Hipercurvatura transversa da lâmina ungueal ("pincer nail") e lâmina ungueal que não cresce. Tratamento cirúrgico: remoção de "U" largo de pele, osteocorreção do leito e cicatrização por segunda intenção
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2005)
A hipercurvatura transversa da lâmina ungueal (“pincer nail”) e a lâmina ungueal que não cresce são deformidades congênitas ou adquiridas que acometem o aparelho ungueal. Até o momento, não receberam a devida atenção na ...