Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 180
Site of memory and site of forgetting: the repurposing of the Punta Carretas Prison
Efforts to classify the Punta Carretas Prison, repurposed as a shopping center, into a “site
of forgetting” imposed through the logic of the market obscure the ongoing productivity of the
place as a vehicle of memory ...
Site of Memory and Site of Forgetting: The Repurposing of the Punta Carretas
(SAGE Publications, 2016-09)
Los esfuerzos para clasificar la prisión de Punta Carretas (ahora transformada en un centro comercial) como un “lugar del olvido” impuesto por medio de la lógica del mercado ocultan la productividad en curso del lugar como ...
Memorias, olvidos y silencios en las propuestas museográficas en el espacio de memoria “La Perla”Memories, forgetting and silences in the museographical proposal of the memory center “La Perla”
(Universitat de Valencia. Faculty of Philology. Translation and Communication, 2019-06)
El artículo analiza el proceso de selección y consagración de memorias en un caso
particular: el del Espacio para la Memoria que funciona en lo que durante la última dictadura en Argentina (1976-1983) fue el Centro ...
Use of wireframes and mockup on the redesign of a university website using the methodology User Centered Design
(Memorias del VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática CITA2015Memorias del VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática CITA2015, 07/01/2015)
In this paper the results obtained in the redesign of the website of the Technological University of Panama using the methodology, user center design (UCD). In the different technical sections and steps that were used to ...
Entre lembranças, esquecimentos e silenciamentos: trajetória e legado de Itamar Franco
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilICH – Instituto de Ciências HumanasPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ciências SociaisUFJF, 2023)
Use and forget: Contribution to the discussion about the bone tools called “machacadores” (pounders), Patagonia, South America
(Elsevier, 2019-12)
The presence of distal ends of long bones from ungulates, with evidence of perimeter marking, which have been called machacadores, that is pounders (see references in Table 1), is recurrent in archaeological sites linked ...