Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
On convolutions of Siegel modular forms
In this article we study a Rankin-Selberg convolution of n complex variables for pairs of degree n Siegel cusp forms. We establish its analytic continuation to ℂn, determine its functional equations and find its singular ...
A characterization of degree two Siegel cusp forms by the growth of their Fourier coefficients
(Walter de Gruyter Gmbh, 2014)
We characterize all cusp forms among the degree two Siegel modular forms by the growth of their
Fourier coefficients. We also give a similar result for Jacobi forms over the group SL2(Z) Z(2).
A converse theorem for Jacobi cusp forms of degree two
(Institute of Mathematics. Polish Academy of Sciences, 2019)
Distribución de autovalores de Hecke en cuerpos totalmente reales
Sea F un cuerpo de números totalmente real de dimensión d sobre los racionales Q, O_F el anillo de enteros y Gamma(I) un subgrupo de congruencia de Hecke de GL_2(R). Para cada ideal primo p en O_F, p no divida a I, p un ...
On a Rankin-Selberg convolution of two variables for Siegel modular forms
(Walter de Gruyter and Co., 2003)
In this article we study a Rankin-Selberg convolution of two complex variables attached to Siegel modular forms of degree 2. We establish its basic analytic properties, find its singular curves and compute some of its ...
On the paramodularity of typical abelian surfaces
(Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2019-05)
Generalizing the method of Faltings–Serre, we rigorously verify that certain abelian surfaces without extra endomorphisms are paramodular. To compute the required Hecke eigenvalues, we develop a method of specialization ...
Theta lifts of Bianchi modular forms and applications to paramodularity
(Oxford University Press, 2014-11)
We explain how the work of Johnson-Leung and Roberts on lifting Hilbert modular forms for real quadratic fields to Siegel modular forms can be adapted to imaginary quadratic fields. For this, we use archimedean results ...
Implementación de una plataforma phage display para la producción de anticuerpos recombinantes anti-NAD+ quinasa de Plasmodium falciparum (PfNADK)
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaBogotá - Ciencias - Maestría en Ciencias - BioquímicaFacultad de CienciasUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2023)
La tecnología phage display permite la generación de librerías de anticuerpos monoclonales para su uso en investigación, diagnóstico y terapia. En este estudio, se reporta la construcción de una librería inmune de anticuerpos ...