Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 59
An approach for side scan sonar acoustic images segmentation using programmable logic
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015-05)
In applications related to maintenance of underwater infrastructure in harbour installations, cables and pipelines, it is necessary to separate the relevant objects of study from the rest of the acoustic image obtained by ...
Use of AUV with side scan sonar embedded to testify targets in anchoring areas
The updating of hydrographie information is crucial to provide credibility to the national nautical documents. This is feasible due to the efforts on the improvement methods and technologies geared to the hydrographic ...
Tidal and longshore sediment transport associated to a coastal structure
(Elsevier, 2005-12)
In order to understand the subtidal marine dynamics relative to the coastal engineering works in the Bahía Blanca Estuary (Argentina), the balance of sediment transport caused by tidal currents was estimated in the Puerto ...
Evaluation of an efficient approach for target tracking from acoustic imagery for the perception system of an autonomous underwater vehicle
(In-teh, 2013-08)
This article describes the core algorithms of the perception system to be included within an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). This perception system is based on the acoustic data acquired from a side scan sonar (SSS). ...
Bedforms patterns characterization of the São Francisco RiverCaracterização de Padrões de Formas de Fundo da Foz do Rio São Francisco
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2001)
Disponibilidad de arena para el refulado de las playas de Miramar y Chapadmalal, Argentina
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2001-12)
Las playas de Miramar se originaron por los aportes naturales transportados directamente como médanos transversales desde el oeste, aunque estas arenas son de origen marino que llegaron a la costa por la acción de olas. ...
Submarine shore-connected sand bank monitored by means of satellite images in the external zone of Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2006-09)
The evolution of an extensive shore-connected sand bank bordering the Navigation Channel along an area larger than 10 km in the external zone of Bahía Blanca Estuary 15 years ago was indicative of a potential danger to the ...
Efficient Approach for OS-CFAR 2D Technique Using Distributive Histograms and Breakdown Point Optimal Concept applied to Acoustic Images
(Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2019-12)
In this work, a new approach to improve the algorithmic efficiency of the Order Statistic-Constant False Alarm Rate (OS-CFAR) applied in two dimensions (2D) is presented. OS-CFAR is widely used in radar technology for ...
Indicatives of ancient conditions of sea level stability on the southern Pernambuco continental shelf
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2001)