Mostrando ítems 1-2 de 2
Simulated response to harvesting strategies in an exploited ecosystem in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico
(Ecological Modelling, 2004)
The impact of some optimized harvesting strategies on ecosystem structure was investigated using a mass-balanced model of the ecosystem in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico, where there are four types of artisanal fisheries ...
Estado de los recursos pesqueros en la zona norte del Pacífico colombiano ante la implementación de la Zona Exclusiva de Pesca Artesanal – ZEPA, en un contexto socioecosistémico
(Caribe - Caribe - Maestría en Ciencias - BiologíaCentro de estudios en Ciencias del mar-CECIMARFacultad CaribeUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Caribe, 2020-04-24)
Globally there is a crisis due to the accelerated detriment of fishery resources, largely due to weak governance, lack of management and lack of knowledge. In Colombia, some management tools have been implemented to move ...