Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1119
Currents on the continental shelf adjacent to the Laje de Santos (SP, Brazil)
(Inst Oceanografico, Univ Sao Paulo, 2017-10-01)
Analysis of current meter data permitted the elaboration of a description of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the continental shelf adjacent to Laje de Santos, a rocky islet located in the inner part of the Sao Paulo ...
Coastal and shelf circulation in the vicinity of Camamu Bay (14 degrees S), Eastern Brazilian Shelf
The Camamu Bay (CMB) is located on the narrowest shelf along the South American coastline and close to the formation of two major Western Boundary Currents (WBC), the Brazil/North Brazil Current (BC/NBC). These WBC flow ...
Circulation and Cross-Shelf Exchanges in the Northern Shelf Region of the Southwestern Atlantic: Kinematics
(Blackwell Publishing, 2021-04)
A high-resolution ocean model is used to characterize the circulation and cross-shelf exchanges in the Brazilian/Uruguayan portion of the southwestern Atlantic shelf. Cross-shelf exchanges are strongly modulated by the ...
Coastal and shelf circulation in the vicinity of Camamu Bay (141S), Eastern Brazilian Shelf
The CamamuBay (CMB) is located on the narrowest shelf along the SouthAmerican coastline andclose to the formation of two majorWestern Boundary Currents (WBC), the Brazil/North Brazil Current (BC/NBC). These
WBC flowclose ...
Subinertial and tidal currents on the Abrolhos Bank shelf
(Amsterdam, 2013-11-01)
Analysis of simultaneous current measurements in the middle (point PA1) and outer (point PA2) Abrolhos Bank shelf showed different characteristics and forcing mechanisms between the two shelf regions. The mean currents at ...
Tide-topography interaction along the eastern Brazilian shelf
(Elsevier B.V., 2005-08-01)
In the Tropics, continental shelves governed by western boundary currents are considered to be among the least productive ocean margins in the world, unless eddy-induced shelf-edge upwelling becomes significant. The eastern ...
The influence of the Brazil and Malvinas Currents on the Southwestern Atlantic Shelf Circulation
(Copernicus Publications, 2010-11)
The oceanic circulation over the southwestern Atlantic shelf is influenced by large tidal amplitudes, substantial freshwater discharges, high wind speeds and – most importantly – by its proximity to two of the largest ...
Wind modulation of upwelling at the shelf-break front off Patagonia: Observational evidence
(American Geophysical Union, 2017-03)
The South-Atlantic Patagonian shelf is the largest chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) hot spot in Southern Ocean color images. While a persistent 1500 km long band of high Chl-a along the shelf-break front (SBF) is indicative of ...
The response of the Sao Paulo Continental Shelf, Brazil, to synoptic winds
The response of the Sao Paulo Continental Shelf (SPCS) to synoptic wind forcing has been analyzed. Two different methods are used for this purpose, one based on hydrographic data, bottom topography, and geographical ...