Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 945
Small-strain shear modulus and shear strength of an unsaturated clayey sand
This paper presents and discuss results of laboratory tests with a compacted clayey sand. Two sets of tests were performed to analyze the shear strength and the small-strain shear modulus (Go) of this soil. The first set ...
Five-unknowns generalized hybrid-type quasi-3D HSDT for advanced composite plates
(Elsevier, 2015-09-15)
Non-polynomial Zig-Zag and ESL shear deformation theory to study advanced composites
(Elsevier, 2019-04)
The mechanical behavior of advanced composites can be modeled mathematically through unknown variables and Shear Strain Thickness Functions (SSTFs). Such SSTFs can be of polynomial or non-polynomial nature and some parameters ...
Modeling the fiber addition influence on the small strain shear modulus of sand
(Springer, 2017-07)
The mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced soils has been extensively studied in the last decades. Previous studies have shown that inclusion of fibers increases the shear strength of the reinforced soil. However, the ...
Strength prediction of squat structural walls via calibration of a shear-flexure interaction model
(ELSEVIER, 2010)
This study deals with a modeling approach that integrates shear and flexure interaction to predict the response
of reinforced concrete squat walls. The model incorporates RC panel behavior into a displacementbased
column ...
Formulation of solid-shell finite elements with large displacements considering different transverse shear strains approximations
(Elsevier Science, 2017-08)
This work presents a general formulation and implementation in solid-shell elements of the refined zigzag theory and the trigonometric shear deformation theory in an unified way. The model thus conceived is aimed for use ...
A new locking-free polygonal plate element for thin and thick plates based on Reissner-Mindlin plate theory and assumed shear strain fields
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
A new n-noded polygonal plate element is proposed for the analysis of plate structures comprising of thin and thick members. The formulation is based on the discrete Kirchhoff Mindlin theory. On each side of the polygonal ...
Strain rate and temperature effect on Zr50Cu50 metallic glass under pure shear
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2018)
We present a molecular dynamics study of the mechanical properties of Zr50Cu50 glass under pure shear. The samples have 145.200 atoms with dimensions of 40 × 20 × 2 nm in the x, y and z directions, respectively. After ...
Growth and collapse of nanovoids in tantalum monocrystals
(Elsevier, 2010-12-02)
The growth and collapse of nanoscale voids are investigated for tantalum (a model body-centered cubic metal) under different stress states and strain rates by molecular dynamics (MD). Three principal mechanisms of deformation ...