Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 527
(American Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 1995)
Phylogeographic analyses of the 30°S south-east Pacific biogeographic transition zone establish the occurrence of a sharp genetic discontinuity in the kelp Lessonia nigrescens: Vicariance or parapatry? 53: 679-693.
Phylogeographic studies are lacking in the Southern Hemisphere, and in particular in the south-eastern Pacific. To infer the possible scenario for the debated biogeographic transition zone located at 30–33°S along the ...
Analytic study of cosmological perturbations in a unified model of dark matter and dark energy with a sharp transition
(Elsevier B.V., 2018-12-01)
We study cosmological perturbations in a model of unified dark matter and dark energy with a sharp transition in the late-time universe. The dark sector is described by a dark fluid which evolves from an early stage at ...
Ants at the edge: a sharp forest-steppe boundary influences the taxonomic and functional organization of ant species assemblages along elevational gradients in northwestern Patagonia (Argentina)
(Springer, 2014-09)
Biogeographic transitions may play a significant role in generating unique
biodiversity patterns along different spatial dimensions of the geobiosphere. The extent, however, to which the presence of large-scale biogeographic ...
Theory and computation of directional nematic phase ordering
(American Physical Society, 2009-12)
A computational study of morphological instabilities of a two-dimensional nematic front under directional growth was performed using a Landau–de Gennes-type quadrupolar tensor order parameter model for the first-order ...
Vertical drafts and mixing in stratified turbulence: Sharp transition with Froude number
(Europhysics Letters, 2018-08)
We investigate the large-scale intermittency of vertical velocity and temperature, and the mixing properties of stably stratified turbulent flows using both Lagrangian and Eulerian fields from direct numerical simulations ...