Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Influence Of Fuel Temperature On Atomization Parameters In A Pressure-swirl Atomizer From A Port Fuel Injector By Shadowgraphy Technique
(Springer HeidelbergHeidelberg, 2016)
Análise da influência da pressão de injeção, contrapressão ambiente e tipo de combustível nos parâmetros da atomização de um injetor de injeção direta de combustível high-pressure swirl
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-03-07)
The physical phenomena that occur in the spray formed by the fuel injectors used in internal combustion engines have been widely studied by researchers worldwide. The interest in studying these phenomena arises from the ...
Space and time resolved observations of plasma dynamics in a compressional gas embedded Z-pinch
(IET, 1996)
Recent experiments in a gas embedded compressional Z-pinch are presented. The experiments have been carried out in H2 at 1/3 atm, using a pulse power generator capable of delivering a dI/dt > 1012 A/s. The pinch is initiated ...
Laser initiated hollow gas-embedded Z-pinch
(IEEE, 2004)
Results of new optical method of generating a precursor plasma for a shell gas embedded Z-pinch are presented. Experiments were performed on a pulse power generator using a peak current up to 150 kA with a rise time of 70 ...
Mapeamento dos modos de transferência metálica na soldagem MIG de alumínioMapping of metal transfer modes in the aluminum MIG welding
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBRPrograma de Pós-graduação em Engenharia MecânicaEngenhariasUFU, 2016)