Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1110
Wireless sensor networks Zigbee applied on sewage treatment station
The good efficiency in a sewage treatment plant (WWTP) is a great importance to the environment. The management of electromechanical equipment installed in these stations is a major challenge due to the fact that they are ...
Wireless sensor networks Zigbee applied on sewage treatment station
The good efficiency in a sewage treatment plant (WWTP) is a great importance to the environment. The management of electromechanical equipment installed in these stations is a major challenge due to the fact that they are ...
Sewage sludge coke estimation using thermal analysis
(Springer, 2011-11-01)
The imposition of more stringent legislation by CETESB in the State of So Paulo (Brazil) governing the disposal and utilization of sewage sludge, coupled with the growth in its generation has prompted a drive for alternative ...
Sewage sludge coke estimation using thermal analysis
(Springer, 2011-11-01)
The imposition of more stringent legislation by CETESB in the State of So Paulo (Brazil) governing the disposal and utilization of sewage sludge, coupled with the growth in its generation has prompted a drive for alternative ...
Sistema informatizado para dimensionamento de unidades de tratamento de esgoto
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção Civil, 2013-05-09)
The indiscriminate firing of untreated sewage is a major cause of pollution in water sources, environmental problems and public health. Many of the treatment plants today do not achieve the minimum requirements for effluent ...
Microalgal biomass production and nutrients removal from domestic sewage in a hybrid high-rate pond with biofilm reactor
(Ecological Engineering, 2018)
Microalgal biomass production and nutrients removal from domestic sewage in a hybrid high-rate pond with biofilm reacto
(Ecological Engineering, 2018)
Avaliação da eficiência no tratamento de esgoto sanitário proveniente de tanques sépticos
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilGestão Ambiental em MunicípiosUTFPR, 2018-10-30)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the sewage treatment plant (ETE) installed in the municipality of Monte Carlo – SC. The ETE installed has a simplified system of treatment, só this work served ...
Assessment of surface water quality in the city of rio claro/sp – brazilAvaliação da qualidade das águas superficiais do município de rio claro/sp
The aim of this study was to perform a diagnosis of surface water and sewage system of the municipality of Rio Claro, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For this, data of surface water quality parameters of five sampling points ...