Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 244
Rapid determination of 12 antibiotics and caffeine in sewage and bioreactor effluent by online column-switching liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
This study presents a column-switching solid-phase extraction online-coupled to a liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (SPE-LC-MS/MS) method for simultaneous analysis of 12 antibiotics (7 sulfonamides and 5 ...
Potential of biohydrogen production from effluents of citrus processing industry using anaerobic bacteria from sewage sludge
Citrus crops are among the most abundant crops in the world, which processing is mainly based on juice extraction, generating large amounts of effluents with properties that turn them into potential pollution sources if ...
Treatment of Domestic Sewage in an Anaerobic-Aerobic Fixed-bed Reactor with Recirculation of the Liquid Phase
This study reports the performance of a combined anaerobic-aerobic packed-bed reactor that can be used to treat domestic sewage. Initially, a bench-scale reactor was operated in three experimental phases. In the first ...
Technical and economic feasibility of gradual concentric chambers reactor for sewage treatment in developing countries
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2009)
Studies on technical and economical feasibility of digesters anaerobic-aerobic-anox to sewage treatment, water reuse and use of biogas
This paper evaluates technically and economically a miniSST (mini station of sewage treatment) by anaerobic-aerobic-anoxious process, associated to the utilization of biogas produced and utilization of treated sewage to ...
Effects of bed materials on the performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor treating domestic sewage
The objective of this study was to determine the best performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR) based on the use of four different bed materials as support for biomass immobilization. The bed ...
Tratamento de esgoto sanitário de baixa carga utilizando reator compartimentado anaeróbio/aeróbio em escala piloto
The research’s main goal was to evaluate the treatment potential of low-strength sanitary sewage in an anaerobic/aerobic baffled reactor (AABR) at pilot-scale. The reactor, maintained at room temperature (27ºC to 30ºC), ...