Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2128
Dean-woodcock sensory motor battery
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2015-12-11)
Neuropsychological evaluation is a process by which neurocognitive domains are examined with the purpose of establishing a relation between emerging behaviors and the individuals brain functions. Sensory and motor deficits ...
Motor and sensory Schwann cell phenotype commitment is diminished by extracorporeal shockwave treatment in vitro
The gold standard for peripheral nerve regeneration uses a sensory autograft to
bridge a motor/sensory defect site. For motor nerves to regenerate, Schwann cells
(SC) myelinate the newly grown axon. Sensory SCs have a ...
Older adults are incapable of changing sensory-motor coupling during upright stance with visual manipulation and different attentional demands
Postural control functioning is characterized by adaptive adjustments, which involves several central nervous system centers. This study investigated the sensory-motor coupling in older and younger adults during concurrent ...
Sensory Reweighting During Bipedal Quiet Standing in Adolescents
A cross-sectional, prospective, between-subjects design was used in this study to establish the differences in sensory reweighting of postural control among different ages during adolescence. A total of 153 adolescents ...
Perfil das habilidades do processamento sensorial em crianças com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH)
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-08-12)
O TDAH é um transtorno do desenvolvimento caracterizado por um quadro bastante heterogêneo que está associado a distúrbios motores, perceptivos, cognitivos e comportamentais, representando elevado risco de comprometimentos ...
Varied sensory-motor adaptation to new dentures among full denture wearers and non wearers
(Facultad de Odontología, 2013)
Perception-action coupling in infants with down syndrome: Effects of experience and practice
This study examined the effects of experience and practice on the coupling between visual information and trunk sway in infants with Down syndrome (DS). Five experienced and five novice sitters were exposed to a moving ...
Perception-action coupling in infants with down syndrome: Effects of experience and practice
This study examined the effects of experience and practice on the coupling between visual information and trunk sway in infants with Down syndrome (DS). Five experienced and five novice sitters were exposed to a moving ...