Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 244
The Thing which Traces Itself: Limits and Apories of Sensible Appearing from Early PhenomenologyLa cosa que se traza a sí misma: límites y aporías del aparecer sensible desde la fenomenología temprana
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2021)
La restitución de valor inteligible al conocimiento sensible en el realismo medieval
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Centro de Estudios Filosóficos Medievales., 2010)
Among daily things: early phenomenology and the appearance of the sensible world
This paper aims to describe the mode of appearance of die sensible world, understood as the first basis on which human life is effectively placed among concrete things. We will try to distinguish the level of immediate ...
La cosa que se traza a sí misma: límites y aporías del aparecer sensible desde la fenomenología tempranaThe Thing which Traces Itself: Limits and Apories of Sensible Appearing from Early Phenomenology
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2022)
Social Time, Bodies and the “Logic of Waiting” in the Configuration of Urban Sensibilities
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2014-03)
Considering the acceleration of social time encouraged by the ever increasing speed in the circulation of goods and products in the current phase of capitalist development, it becomes essential to reflect on the configuration ...
The thing in-itself and its role in the constitution of objectivity. A critical reading of Onof´s reconstruction of transcendental affection
(Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani, 2013-01)
In this paper, I shall consider some conclusions drawn by Christian Onof in a recent paper, in which the author analyzes the problem of transcendental affection. Onof assumes that Kant´s references to the thing-in-itself ...
Android things
The Exhortation Of Sensible Qualities An Existential Description Of The Immediate World From The Perspective Of Heidegger's Thought
The article discusses the possibility of understanding the sensible presence of the world and attempts an existential characterization of the sensible qualities according to which it appears, from the perspective of ...
The thing in-itself and its role in the constitution of objectivity: A critical reading of Onof´s reconstruction of transcendental affection
(Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani, 2013-12)
In this paper I consider some conclusions drawn by Christian Onof in a recent paper, in which the author analyzes the problem of transcendental affection. Onof assumes that Kant´s references to the thing-in-itself as the ...