Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10221
Emotions in the Theory of Cultural-Historical Subjectivity of González Rey
In the theoretical thinking of González Rey, the acknowledge of the generating character
of emotions and their infinite unfolding associated with symbolic productions, which are
not of the order of meaning, has represented ...
Sense making : metatheory, methodology or heuristics?Sense–making: ¿metateoría, metodología o heurística?
(Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información, 2010)
Tinkertoys for the E-7 theory
(Springer, 2018-05-04)
We classify the class S theories of type E-7. These are four-dimensional N = 2 superconformal field theories arising from the compactification of the E-7 (2, 0) theory on a punctured Riemann surface, C. The classification ...
The biological sense of cancer: a hypothesis
(BioMed Central, 2006-12)
Most theories about cancer proposed during the last century share a common denominator: cancer is believed to be a biological nonsense for the organism in which it originates, since cancer cells are believed to be ones ...
Compressed sensing and coding theory
(UniandesMaestría en MatemáticasFacultad de CienciasDepartamento de Matemáticas, 2016)
En este trabajo se construyen matrices determinísticas para compressed sensing basados en códigos lineales. Para cada código lineal se exhibe una matriz de ceros y unos que resulta ser altamente dispersa.El comportamiento ...
On the propagation of methodological uncertainties in Depth Sensing Indentation data analysis: A brief and critical review
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-04)
A systematic and critical review about the propagation of uncertainties related to the Depth Sensing Indentation data analysis standard procedures and its effect on the estimation of Young´s modulus of materials is reported. ...
The role of the sense of justice in Rawls’ theory
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Paraná, 2020)
In this paper, I discuss the relevance of the sense of justice for Rawls’s theory of justice. In the first part, I analyse the interpretation that Rawls offered of moral psychology for evaluating its role in the generation ...
Are we all understanding the same thing when we say TLC?: Making sense of a transdisciplinary learning community approach for vulnerable contexts in Bolivia
(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". VLIR-UOS., 2020)
This paper critically discusses the implementation process of a Transdisciplinary Learning Community (TLC) approach from the sensemaking theory in a development program for vulnerable contexts between universities from ...
Are we all understanding the same thing when we say TLC?: Making sense of a transdisciplinary learning community approach for vulnerable contexts in Bolivia
(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". VLIR-UOS., 2020)
This paper critically discusses the implementation process of a Transdisciplinary Learning Community (TLC) approach from the sensemaking theory in a development program for vulnerable contexts between universities from ...