Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 93
The Effects of the National System of Social Security Over Senior Entrepreneurs: A Comparative Analysis of Age Cohorts
The aim of this chapter is to analyze the relationship between the national systems of social security and senior entrepreneurial activity. To understand the growing phenomenon of senior entrepreneurship, the authors ...
Senior entrepreneurship following unemployment: a social identity theory perspective
This article applies social identity theory to examine how identifcation with social
groups shapes the entrepreneurial endeavours of individuals aged 50 or over who
start businesses when unemployed or under threat of ...
Senior entrepreneurship in emerging markets: evidence from the global entrepreneurship monitor
This paper identifies the reasons for the higher level of senior entrepreneurship in developing countries compared to developed countries. The study focuses mainly on the five biggest emerging markets – China, India, Brazil, ...
Entrepreneurship and Academic Employment. More Alike than You’d Think
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y negocios, 2015)
Del empoderamiento al emprendimiento: el poder personal, comunal, intercomunal y las redes para envejecer activamente
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013)
En esta ponencia, las autoras, personas miembros de la Subcomisión de Persona Adulta Mayor, del Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONARE), presentan una sistematización de lametodología utilizada en el trabajo que, desde el ...
The measurement of entrepreneurial outsourcing: Preliminary scale development, dimensionality assessment, and construct validation
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2015)
High school seminar
(Universidad IcesiSantiago de Cali, 2010-06-08)
This case presents the developments done by the Center for Entrepreneurship Development of ICESI in the programs oriented to créate awareness and to give carrer orientation for Senior High School Stdents in Cali, Colombia.
Exploring the development of social identity in firm founders
(Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2021)
This doctoral thesis builds on social identity theory to examine (i) how and why
firm founders develop different social identity types; and (ii) how identification with
social groups shapes founders’ entrepreneurial ...
Retos Americana Emprendedora 2018 - 2025
(Corporación Universitaria AmericanaSello editorial CoruniamericanaBarranquilla, ColombiaMedellín, Colombia, 2018)
Americana Emprendedora es una estrategia de generación de valor, no para beneficio particular de la institución y su grupo de interés directo – estudiantes, egresa dos, profesores y funcionarios de todos los niveles – sino ...
Americana emprendedora: Un reto de oportunidades
(Corporación Universitaria AmericanaSello editorial CoruniamericanaBarranquilla, Colombia, 2022)