Mostrando ítems 1-3 de 3
Compensated convex transforms and geometric singularity\ extraction from semiconvex functions补偿凸变换与半凸函数的几何奇点提取
(Science China Press, 2016-04)
The upper and lower compensated convex transforms are `tight' one-sided approximations for a given function. We apply these transforms to the extraction of fine geometric singularities from general semiconvex/semiconcave ...
Explicit formulas for C1;1 Glaeser-Whitney extensions of 1-Taylor elds in Hilbert spaces
(Amer Mathematical Soc, 2018)
We give a simple alternative proof for the C-1,C-1-convex extension problem which has been introduced and studied by D. Azagra and C. Mudarra (2017). As an application, we obtain an easy constructive proof for the ...