Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7533
Validity, dialetheism and self-reference
(Springer, 2018-02)
It has been argued recently (Beall in Spandrels of truth, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009; Beall and Murzi J Philos 110:143–165, 2013) that dialetheist theories are unable to express the concept of naive validity. ...
A Reference Architecture to support the development of mobile applications based on self-adaptive services
Nowadays, most human daily tasks can be performed by means of Mobile Applications (MobApps). Devices running such applications have some limitations (e.g., processing and storage) compared to personal computers. Therefore, ...
A reference model as automated process for software adaptation at runtime
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2015-01-01)
The development of self-adaptive software (SaS) has specific characteristics compared to traditional one, since it allows that changes to be incorporated at runtime. Automated processes have been used as a feasible solution ...
Transformaciones en el self del terapeuta a partir de su auto-referencia en el trabajo de consulta clínica
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2019)
Kin recognition by self-referent phenotype matching in plants
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2016-01)
When plants of Arabidopsis thaliana are cultivated in rows ofcoetaneous kin neighbours (plants of the same accession) thegrowth of their leaves is horizontally reoriented towards the emptyspaces out of the row, increasing ...
Reference architectures for self-managed software systems: A systematic literature review
Self-Managed Software Systems (SMSS) have emerged as an important type of software systems. However, the development of such systems is not a trivial task, as they constantly deal with adaptations at runtime so as to fulfill ...
Construction of a canonical model for a first-order non-Fregean logic with a connective for reference and a total truth predicate
Logics with quantifiers that range over a model-theoretic universe of propositions are interesting for several applications. For example, in the context of epistemic logic the knowledge axioms can be expressed by the single ...
Reflexiones sobre el Self y su transformación en el encuentro terapéutico
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2020-10-18)
Resumen:El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre el Self y sus transformaciones en el encuentro
terapéutico. Se exploran tres temáticas centrales como son la relación terapéutica, el Self y la
autorreferencia, ...