Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 777
Network Self-Determination and the Positive Externalities of Community Networks
This paper argues that existing examples of Community Networks (CNs) provide a solid evidence-base on which a right to “network self-determination” can be constructed. Network selfdetermination should be seen as the right ...
Governing Water Resource Allocation: Water User Association Characteristics and the Role of the State
Water, as a common pool resource, is threatened by the possibility of overextraction generating a negative economic impact, conflicts among users, and greater income inequality. Scholars have discussed different governance ...
Management of the loco (Concholepas concholepas) as a driver for self-governance of small-scale benthic fisheries in ChileCase studies in fisheries self-governance
(Townsend, R.Shotton, R.Uchida, H.Case studies in fisheries self-governance, 2020)
Counter-majoritarian mechanisms in local self-government: a view from Russia
(Universidad del Zulia, 2021)
Educación y formación interculturales como herramientas para la incidenciaIntercultural education and instruction as means for incidence
(Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, 2020)
En el presente número de DIDAC, dedicado a la educación intercultural a nivel superior, queremos compartir la experiencia de dos proyectos de educación y formación intercultural en los que participa el Programa de ...