Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 414
Socio-Emotional Competence and Self-Efficacy of Future Secondary School Teachers
The assessment and development of teachers' socio-emotional competence has become a topic of interest in education. Within the classroom, this competence is demonstrated not only in teaching but also in student development. ...
Development and psychometric assessment of the Basic Resuscitation Skills Self-Efficacy Scale
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2014)
Maternal stress and perceptions of self-efficacy in socioeconomically disadvantaged mothers An explicative model
Studies have demonstrated that maternal stress and perceptions of self-efficacy influence a mother s performance affecting her ability to Interact with her child and to understand and answer his needs The purpose of this ...
Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions
(America y Economia On Line - Espae - Espol, 2010)
Design and validation of a three-instrument toolkit for the assessment of competence in electrocardiogram rhythm recognition
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2017)
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Preterm Parenting & Self-efficacy Checklist
(Assoc Brasileira Enfermagem, 2019-12-01)
Objective: To conduct a cross-cultural adaptation of the Preterm Parenting & Self-Efficacy Checklist to the Brazilian Portuguese. Method: A methodological study was carried out with 51 parents of premature infants. Data ...
Autoeficacia y competencia traductora: influencia en la práctica de la traducción inversa de estudiantes de Traducción e Interpretación en Lima, 2017
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020-06-30)
Por muchos años, la traducción inversa se ha ignorado dentro de los estudios de traducción. Al considerarse una tarea imposible y no recomendable, muchas instituciones internacionales han prohibido esta práctica. Sin ...
Spiritual intelligence and its relationship to perceived academic self-efficacy for university students
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Entrepreneurial Competencies in Graduate Students from Mexico: A Gender Perspective
Mexico faces a gender gap in opportunity entrepreneurship. Part of the problem is themasculine approach to business education in graduate programs. This research uses data from 173 female and male graduate students to ...