Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 65
A Simplified and Versatile Element Model for 2 Elastomeric Seismic Isolation Bearings
A novel approach for two-dimensional modeling of elastomeric bearings using three springs in parallel is presented. This simplified element model considers as follows: (1) an elastoplastic spring with a smooth transition ...
A simplified and versatile element model for elastomeric seismic isolation bearings
A novel approach for two-dimensional modeling of elastomeric bearings using three springs in parallel is presented. This simplified element model considers as follows: (1) an elastoplastic spring with a smooth transition ...
Analysis, testing, and implementation of seismic isolation of buildings in Chile
(WILEY, 2004)
This article Summarizes the work done by the authors in seismic isolation over the past six years in Chile. First, a general evaluation of the optimal values of the yield level of the isolation system is performed, focusing ...
Seismic risk of sliding ground-mounted rigid equipment
This study discusses a general formulation for risk assessment of ground-mounted rigid sliding equipment and contents during earthquakes. The displacement and acceleration response of blocks during earthquakes and risk ...
Performance of bridges with seismic isolation bearings during the Maule earthquake, Chile
(Elsevier, 2013)
On February 27, 2010 an earthquake of magnitude Mw=8.8, with epicenter in Cobquecura, Maule region, hit the central part of Chile. After the earthquake, a tsunami occurred that caused heavy casualties and damage to buildings ...
Equivalent linear stochastic seismic analysis of cylindrical base-isolated liquid storage tanks
(Elsevier, 2013-04)
Seismic performance of cylindrical liquid storage tanks base-isolated by bilinear bearings is investigated. The paper displays a stochastic parametrical study in which three design parameters, namely isolation period, yield ...
Optimized friction pendulum and precast-prestressed pile to base-isolate a Chilean masonry house
In this study friction pendulum system (FPS) bearings and precast-prestressed pile (PPP) isolators are considered as base isolation devices for a Chilean confined masonry house. The house is numerically modeled using a ...
Factores de importancia para el diseño de aisladores sísmicos para una edificación multifamiliar de concreto armado con diferentes alturas en Lima, Perú
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2021-08-19)
En muchos países sufren bastantes movimientos sísmicos, que en algunos casos de severa intensidad, que han ocasionado pérdidas de vidas humanas, económicas. Por ello, se realiza el diseño de edificaciones para soportar ...
Modelamiento de un hospital con aislador núcleo de plomo (LRB)
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2021-03-17)
En el presente estudio se realizó un modelamiento de un hospital de base aislada con el aislador elastomérico núcleo de plomo (LRB) de 6 pisos, como medida de protección para obtener menores daños y pérdidas económicas en ...