Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 488
Residential Segregation Patterns of Latinos in the United States, 1990-2000
Historically, residential segregation of Latinos has generally been seen as a result of immigration and the process of self-segregation into ethnic enclaves. The only theoretical exception to ethnic enclave Latino segregation ...
The exclusive condominius of Barra da Tijuca as examples of the process of homogenization, hierarchization and fragmentation of tha spaceOS CONDOMÍNIOS EXCLUSIVOS DA BARRA DA TIJUCA COMO EXEMPLOS DO PROCESSO DE HOMOGENEIZAÇÃO, HIERARQUIZAÇÃO E FRAGMENTAÇÃO DO ESPAÇO
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018)
Comportamentos segregativos em enxames robóticos
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2014-01-31)
Swarm robotics is the study of large multi-agent systems whose robots are relatively simple and have limited capabilities. These systems usually rely on properties such as robustness, flexibility, and scalability to fulfill ...
Protective Arrangements Across Class: Understanding Social Segregation in La Plata, Argentina
(Wiley, 2020-07)
This essay develops the concept of protective arrangements (a socio-material relationship between house architecture, objects and human practices) in order to develop a new understanding of urban social segregation. Drawing ...
Is There Gender Bias Among Voters? Evidence from the Chilean Congressional Elections
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2017)
I exploit the unique institution of gender-segregated voting booths in Chile, allowing
the use of actual voting data, instead of self-reported surveys, to test for gender bias
among voters. I find evidence of a small but ...
A produção de espaços para autossegregação socioespacial na aglomeração urbana de Araçatuba
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-01-19)
As formas de produção do espaço urbano contemporâneo, fortemente orientadas por interesses econômicos dos proprietários de terras e das incorporadoras, vêm se materializando, por meio do crescimento do número de espaços ...
NaPi/SX-RNase segregates as a functional S-RNase and is induced under phosphate deficiency in Nicotiana alata
(Springer, 2018-06)
In plants, class III T2 RNases involves two groups of structurally similar proteins, but with different biological functions: S-RNases and non-S-RNases. S-RNases have been involved in self-incompatibility whereas non-S-RNases ...