Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 547
Timing of seed dispersal and seed dormancy in Brazilian savanna: Two solutions to face seasonality
Background and Aims The relationship between fruiting phenology and seed dispersal syndrome is widely recognized; however, the interaction of dormancy classes and plant life-history traits in relation to fruiting phenology ...
Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions and the functional loss of long-distance seed-dispersal services
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2018-01-01)
Pleistocene extinctions affected mainly large-bodied animals, determining the loss or changes in numerous ecological functions. Evidence points to a central role of many extinct megafauna herbivores as seed dispersers. An ...
Seed dispersal effectiveness by frugivorous birds: Identifying functional equivalent species in bird assemblages
(Science Reviews 2000 Ltd, 2019-08)
Seed dispersal by birds is a pivotal ecosystem function worldwide; yet, the rapid and ongoing global biodiversity loss poses a major threat to this essential ecosystem service. Seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE) is a key ...
Ecological consequences of primary and secondary seed dispersal on seed and seedling fate of Dipteryx oleifera (Fabaceae)
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2010)
Rewilding defaunated Atlantic Forests with tortoises to restore lost seed dispersal functions
The extinction of frugivores has been considered one of the main drivers of the disruption of important ecological processes, such as seed dispersal. Many defaunated forests are too small to restore function by reintroducing ...
Seed dispersal and germination of Cryptocarya moschata Nees & Martius Ex Nees, Ocotea catharinensis Mez and Endlicheria paniculata (Sprengel) Macbride (Lauraceae)
(Inst Tecnologia Parana, 1995-01-01)
Data of seed dispersal and germination of the studied species are presented, comparing both observations from the wild and nursery. Fruits were collected from Carlos Botelho State Park (24 degrees 44' to 24 degrees 03'S, ...
Seed dispersal and germination of Cryptocarya moschata Nees & Martius Ex Nees, Ocotea catharinensis Mez and Endlicheria paniculata (Sprengel) Macbride (Lauraceae)
(Inst Tecnologia Parana, 1995-01-01)
Data of seed dispersal and germination of the studied species are presented, comparing both observations from the wild and nursery. Fruits were collected from Carlos Botelho State Park (24 degrees 44' to 24 degrees 03'S, ...
Biological and environmental effects on fine-scale seed dispersal of an invasive tree in a secondary subtropical forest
(Springer, 2018-02)
Dispersal abilities of invading species emerge from the interaction between the species and some features of the target community. Ligustrum lucidum is a tree species invading different ecosystems. Major spatial patterns ...
Do corridors promote connectivity for bird-dispersed trees? The case of Persea lingue in Chilean fragmented landscapes
(Springer, 2014)
Disentangling the contribution of corridors
to landscape connectivity is crucial for adopting
efficient measures in conservation, but their actual role
in heterogeneous landscapes is not yet fully understood.
We assessed ...