Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 107
Analytical direct planetary perturbations on the orbital motion of satellites
An analytical expansion of the disturbing function arising from direct planetary perturbations on the motion of satellites is derived. As a Fourier series, it allows the investigation of the secular effects of these direct ...
Analytical direct planetary perturbations on the orbital motion of satellites
An analytical expansion of the disturbing function arising from direct planetary perturbations on the motion of satellites is derived. As a Fourier series, it allows the investigation of the secular effects of these direct ...
A frequency approach to identifying asteroid families II. Families interacting with nonlinear secular resonances and low-order mean-motion resonances
Aims. In an earlier paper we introduced a new method for determining asteroid families where families were identified in the proper frequency domain (n, g, g + s) ( where n is the mean-motion, and g and s are the secular ...
Secular dynamics and family identification among highly inclined asteroids in the Euphrosyne region
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-02-01)
Among highly inclined asteroids the external region of the main belt beyond the 5J:2A mean-motion resonance with Jupiter has long been known to host the Euphrosyne and Alauda families. The region is confined in semimajor ...
Secular dynamics and family identification among highly inclined asteroids in the Euphrosyne region
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-02-01)
Among highly inclined asteroids the external region of the main belt beyond the 5J:2A mean-motion resonance with Jupiter has long been known to host the Euphrosyne and Alauda families. The region is confined in semimajor ...
Modelling the secular evolution of migrating planet pairs
The subject of this paper is the secular behaviour of a pair of planets evolving under dissipative forces. In particular, we investigate the case when dissipative forces affect the planetary semimajor axes and the planets ...
The asteroid population in g-type non-linear secular resonances
(Oxford Univ Press, 2017-07-01)
Non-linear secular resonances of g-type, i.e. involving the frequency of precession g of the asteroid pericentre, can affect the proper eccentricities of asteroids in resonant or near-resonant configurations. We first ...
Dinâmica secular no cinturão principal de asteroides
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-02-24)
Nesta tese, nós introduzimos uma nova métrica no domínio dos elementos próprios, nas cores obtidas pela survey SDSS-MOC4 e nos albedos geométricos do WISE, com o objetivo de obter um método para determinar uma família ...