Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 5
Seco-, nor-, normal and rearranged labdanes from Haplopappus parvifolius
The aerial parts of Haplopappus parvifolius afforded 30 new diterpenes including 21 labdane derivatives, four nor-diterpenes, three rearranged ones, four seco-labdanes and one with a new carbon skeleton whose structure was ...
Seco-labdanes and other constituents fromOphryosporus floribundus
The extract of the aerial parts ofO. floribundus afforded in addition to known compounds 17 new diterpenes, including eightseco-ent-labdanes with a very rare carbon skeleton. The structures were elucidated by high field ...
Seco-manool and other constituents from fleischmannia microstemon
The aerial parts of Fleischmannia microstemon afforded in addition to sesamin and two clerodanes, ent-manoyl oxide and two derivatives of the latter, one a 6β-acetoxy derivative and the other a seco-labdane. From F. pratensis ...
Estudio químico del tallo de la especie Chromolaena bullata (klatt) R. M. King & h.ro fracciones : éter de petróleo y diclorometano
(Bogotá : Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales, 2010Facultad de CienciasQuímica, 2010)
Se obtuvo un extracto etanolico total de tallos de la especie Colombiana Chromolaena bullata. (klatt) – asteraceae. Usando para ello el equipo de extracción soxhlet. Este extracto fue fraccionado mediante por percolación ...