Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 232
A Comparison of Segmentation Procedures and Analysis of the Evolution of Spectral Parameters
(Proceedings of the Sixteenth (2007) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2014)
Variabilidad intra-anual del régimen climático en sectores de surgencia en el sudeste del Mar Caribe, usando ERA Interim
The relationship between climatic periods and intensity of 2 upwelling cores located in the Colombian Caribbean
from the time analysis of climatic indicators and sea surface temperature (SST) for the period 1990-2009 were ...
Variability and Wave Power for Open Ocean Wave Conditions of the Peru Basin
(IEEE, 2022)
Technologies for converting wave energy to electricity are not mature yet. It is necessary to understand the characteristics and potential of the wave climate of the local area where wave energy converters will be installed. ...
Apparent resistivity and spectral induced polarization in the submarine environment
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2001-09)
Relatively few investigations have employed electrical methods in the submarine environment, which may be promising for mineral deposits or threatened by environmental problems. We have measured the electric field using ...
Spectral analysis of wave sea: univariate modelsAnálisis espectral de olas marinas: modelos univariados
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2016)
Variabilidad y pronóstico de la componente aperiódica del nivel del mar de origen meteorológico en el archipiélago cubano
(Instituto de Oceanología, Institute of Oceanology, 2015)
Se caracteriza por primera vez la variabilidad de la componente aperiódica del nivel del mar, captada por la Red Mareográfica Nacional para la banda de frecuencias 0,07 – 1,00 ciclos por día, correspondiente a variaciones ...