Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 336
A remote sensing derived upper ocean heat content dataset for the equatorial atlantic: comparison with pirata project data
(Revista Brasileira de Geof??sica, 2011)
A remote sensing derived upper ocean heat content dataset for the equatorial atlantic: comparison with pirata project data
(Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 2011)
In this work, nine years (1998-2006) of Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) from multimission altimeter data distributed by Archiving Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Data in Oceanography (AVISO) were combined with Sea ...
Sea level anomaly on the Patagonian continental shelf: Trends, annual patterns and geostrophic flows
(American Geophysical Union, 2016-04)
We study the annual patterns and linear trend of satellite sea level anomaly (SLA) over the southwest South Atlantic continental shelf (SWACS) between 54S and 36S. Results show that south of 42°S the thermal steric effect ...
The relationship between South Atlantic SST and SACZ intensity and positioning
(SpringerHeidelberg, 2014)
This study explores the ocean–atmosphere
interaction in the formation and dynamics of the South
Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ), through the analysis
of the heat sources estimated through the outgoing longwave
radiation. ...
Anomalías y procesos de largo plazo de las aguas del Golfo de México y el Mar Caribe
(Programa “Cambio climático en Cuba: impactos, mitigación y adaptación”, 2016)
el presente proyecto tuvo como objetivo general analizar y predecir las anomalías mensuales y anuales del nivel del mar en Cuba en relación con la variabilidad estérica, la circulación y la conexión con los principales ...
A comparison of the annual cycle of sea level in coastal areas from gridded satellite altimetry and tide gauges
(Elsevier, 2015-01)
In this work we compare the annual component of sea level variations derived from 478 worldwide- distributed tide gauges with the annual component computed from a weekly gridded multi-mission altimeter product. Gridded ...
Relationship between large-scale atmospheric circulation and interannual variability of extreme events of sea ice in the Antarctic Dipole
(Sociedade Brasileira de MeteorologiaFlorianópolis, 2013)
The Antarctic sea ice plays an important role in the global climate system due to its
high albedo, low thermal conductivity, influence on the position of the storrn tracks, forrning
water masses and air masses. Some ...
Inter-annual variability of rainfall in Central America: Connection with global and regional climate modulators
Central America is a region regularly affected by natural disasters, with most of them having a hydrometeorological origin. Therefore, the understanding of annual changes of precipitation upon the region is relevant for ...
Inter-annual variability of rainfall in Central America: Connection with global and regional climate modulators
Central America is a region regularly affected by natural disasters, with most of them having a hydrometeorological origin. Therefore, the understanding of annual changes of precipitation upon the region is relevant for ...