Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12774
The spiral of scientific culture and cultural well-being: Brazil and Ibero-America
(Sage Publications LtdLondonInglaterra, 2012)
Scientific concepts and public policies: Semiotic-cultural obstacles concerning intergroup and intercultural relationships
I attempt to articulate Jahoda's (2012) critical reflections regarding definitions of culture in recent cross-cultural studies and Moghaddam's (2012) claims of an omnicultural imperative to guide the elaboration of public ...
Linguagem científica escrita : percursos de apropriação e suas relações com a cultura científica
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade - PPGCTSCâmpus São Carlos, 2017-02-06)
Although the concept of science has changed significantly in recent decades, certain
requirements remain essential for the development of scientific practice; notably, the domain of
written scientific language is one of ...
Latin American professors' research culture in the digital ageCultura investigativa del docente en Latinoamérica en la era digital
(Grupo Comunicar Ediciones, 2024)
Bioética-sociobiologia. Neologismos oportunos? Interface da tecnociência com as ciências humanas e sociais
The article focuses on the creation of the neologisms Bioethics and Sociobiology, analyzing these two words which due to their composition evoke relations between biological sciences and human studies (ethics and sociology). ...
Bioética-sociobiologia. Neologismos oportunos? Interface da tecnociência com as ciências humanas e sociais
The article focuses on the creation of the neologisms Bioethics and Sociobiology, analyzing these two words which due to their composition evoke relations between biological sciences and human studies (ethics and sociology). ...
El debate hacia la convención por la diversidad cultural : de la excepción a la regla
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2019-04-16)
El objetivo general de la tesis es realizar un estudio comparativo sobre las posiciones que defendieron la UNESCO, por un lado y la OMC, por el otro, desde 1993 a 2005, en el marco del debate en torno a la aprobación de ...
723 Chile Agreement
(Universidad Autónoma de Chile, 2024)