Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11298
Teachers’ Attitudes and the Implementation of a Curriculum Innovation During Its Early Stages at a Primary School in Central Trinidad: A Case Study
This case study investigated teachers’ attitudes during the early stages of the implementation of the new primary school curriculum at a primary school in the Caroni Educational District in Trinidad and Tobago. Data were ...
The teacher/pupil ratio from the practice of stage required in middle school
(Univ Estadual Sudoeste Bahia, 2015-09-01)
This article examines some of the issues related to the teacher/pupil ratio, having in view some challenges exist in public school today. Realizing education composed of various actors, this work prioritizes the figure of ...
Teaching Sexuality and Sexual Health Education at a Rural Government Primary School in the North Eastern Education District: Teachers’ Concerns
This study explored teachers’ concerns regarding the teaching of the sexuality and sexual health theme of the health and family life education (HFLE) syllabus at a primary school in the North Eastern Education District, ...
Predictive value of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire® for school performance and school intervention in late preterm- and term-born children
Background: The new health supervision guidelines emphasize the importance of surveillance or a formal developmental screening test at 4 years, one of the most used tests is Ages & Stages Questionnaire. Nevertheless, there ...
An exploration of school improvement theory and practice in secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago
This paper explores school improvement (SI) in the secondary school sector in Trinidad and Tobago (TandT), and poses the following questions: 1) What SI initiatives have emerged in the secondary school sector in TandT? 2) ...
Percepções de Estudantes acerca de um Instrumento Diferenciado de Avaliação em Aulas de Matemática
This study describes the perception of high school students about the use of a different assessment tool in Mathematics classes: a test carried out in several phases. We tried to identify evidence of how they saw and judged ...
School improvement trajectories: an empirical typology
This paper is based on a multiple case study of schools which have been identified as improving their performance for about a decade. We proposed different criteria by which to characterize and study these improvement ...
Educação infantil e ensino fundamental: relações em construção
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAE - FACULDADE DE EDUCAÇÃOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação e DocênciaUFMG, 2021-12-17)
Kindergarten and Elementary Education are educational stages with different identities and constitution processes that produce different conceptions, ways of pedagogically relating to childhood, different teaching and ...
A cenografia de espetáculos para crianças no espaço escolar
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em CenografiaUTFPR, 2014-10-15)
This article presents a reflection on theatrical plays for children that are performed at public schools in Curitiba. Sticking mainly to the issues of spatiality and set design, this text seeks to establish a dialogue ...