Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 436
The recovery rates of secondary savannas in abandoned pastures are poorly explained by environmental and landscape factors
Question: Assessing the natural regeneration potential of degraded savannas is a crucial step in restoration planning, since that assessment will define the need for and costs of active intervention. Predicting natural ...
Resource Availability Shapes Fire-filtered Savannas
Agricultural Landscape Heterogeneity Matter: Responses of Neutral Genetic Diversity and Adaptive Traits in a Neotropical Savanna Tree
Plants are one of the most vulnerable groups to fragmentation and habitat loss, that may affect community richness, abundance, functional traits, and genetic diversity. Here, we address the effects of landscape features ...
Landscape structure and local variables affect plant community diversity and structure in a Brazilian agricultural landscape
The biodiversity in agricultural landscapes depends on land-use types, natural elements, and farming intensity. The Brazilian Cerrado is a biodiversity hotspot, however, the native vegetation loss rates have increased in ...
Multi-Scale Landscape Influences on Genetic Diversity and Adaptive Traits in a Neotropical Savanna Tree
(Frontiers Media Sa, 2020-03-25)
Changes in landscape structure can affect essential population ecological features, such as dispersal and recruitment, and thus genetic processes. Here, we analyze the effects of landscape metrics on adaptive quantitative ...
The structure of an earth-mound field of the Brazilian Savanna
The campos de murundus (literally “mound fields”) are intriguing landscapes composed of earth-mounds. These microreliefs occur in transition areas between the plateau and hydromorphic areas of the Brazilian Savanna. Several ...
Avian frugivory in Miconia (Melastomataceae): contrasting fruiting times promote habitat complementarity between savanna and palm swamp
(Cambridge Univ PressNew YorkEUA, 2013)
Picturesque Trinidad
Colour: Black and White; Style: Landscape; Other: Bordered, Divided