Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Huevos de Saurópodos del Aptiano–albiano, formación cerro Barcino (Patagonia, Argentina): un enigma paleoambiental y paleobiológicoSauropod eggs from the aptian–albian cerro Barcino formation, Chubut (Patagonia, Argentina): a paleoenvironmental and paleobiological enigma
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2013)
Para efectuar una interpretación paleobiológica del primer material oológico hallado en la provincia de Chubut, inferir su escenario paleoambiental y compararlo con huevos de dinosaurios de otras áreas, se describen ...
Two Late Cretaceous sauropods reveal titanosaurian dispersal across South America
(Nature Publishing Group, 2020-12)
South American titanosaurians have been central to the study of the evolution of Cretaceous sauropod dinosaurs. Despite their remarkable diversity, the fragmentary condition of several taxa and the scarcity of records ...
Specialized Craniofacial Anatomy of a Titanosaurian Embryo from Argentina
(Cell Press, 2020-11-02)
The first dinosaur embryos found inside megaloolithid eggs from Auca Mahuevo, Patagonia, were assigned to sauropod dinosaurs that lived approximately 80 million years ago. Discovered some 25 years ago, these considerably ...
Multiple dinosaur egg-shell occurrence in an Upper Cretaceous nesting site from Patagonia
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2010-03)
The discovery of hundreds of megaloolithid-type egg-clutches (some including embryos of an indeterminate species of titanosaur sauropods) in several stratigraphical levels of the Late Cretaceous nesting site of Auca Mahuevo ...
A new Argentinean nesting site showing neosauropod dinosaur reproduction in a Cretaceous hydrothermal environment
(Macmillan Publishers, 2010-06)
Although several late Cretaceous sauropod colonial nesting sites have been discovered nearly on every continent during the last few decades, no studies have been performed to determine the factors that underpinned the ...
A new Upper Cretaceous titanosaur nesting site from La Rioja (NW Argentina), with implications for titanosaur nesting strategies
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2016-05)
Cretaceous titanosaur nesting sites are currently known only from Europe, Asia and South America. In the latter, only the Auca Mahuevo and Sanagasta nesting sites have been confidently assigned to this clade of sauropod ...
Paleobiology of Titanosaurs: reproduction, development, histology, pneumaticity, locomotion and neuroanatomy from the South American fossil recordPaleobiología de Titanosaurios de Sudamérica: reproducción, desarrollo, histología, neumaticidad, locomoción y neuroanatomía
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2015)
Much of the current paleobiological knowledge on titanosaur sauropods was attained in just the last fifteen years, in particular that related to reproductive and developmental biology. Recent years have also seen progress ...
What do giant titanosaur dinosaurs and modern Australasian megapodes have in common?
(PeerJ, 2015-10)
Titanosauria is a globally distributed clade of sometimes extremely large Mesozoic herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs. On the basis of current evidence these giant dinosaurs seem to have reproduced in specific and localized ...