Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 70
Dependência espacial de atributos diagnósticos para delimitação de classes de solos
Soils are classified by their horizons and diagnostics attributes that can be grouped by similarities and provide information about their use. The knowledge the spatial variability of the diagnostic attributes used in the ...
Sample planning for quantifying and mapping magnetic susceptibility, clay content, and base saturation using auxiliary information
There is a great global demand for detailed soil property description; therefore, an ideal site-specific sampling has become indispensable to meet this demand. This study aimed to assess the implications of incorporating ...
Productivity of Pinus caribaea VAR. hondurensis and its relations with chemical attributes of soils in the brazilian Cerrado region
(Centro Pesquisas Florestais, Ufsm, 2019-01-01)
Forestry with exotic species plays an important socioeconomic role in Brazil, providing raw material for the production of wood, firewood, charcoal, cellulose, among others. In this sense, it becomes necessary to deepen ...
Kricagem indicativa para elaboração de mapas probabilístico em agricultura de precisão
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2014)
Kricagem indicativa para elaboração de mapas probabilístico em agricultura de precisão
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2014)
Attributes of latosol and soybean production components: A linear and geo-statistic approachAtributos de um latossolo e componentes produtivos da soja: Uma abordagem linear e geoestatística
Studies on soil qualities and components of plant production by Geostatistics and the generation of Kriging maps may be employed for the improvement of fertilizers and reduce production. Current assay evaluates the spatial ...
Interpolation of soil fertility data with Kriging and its validationInterpolación de variables de fertilidad de suelo mediante el análisis Kriging y su validación
The goal of this study was to make and validate interpolated maps of 6 soil fertility variables. The maps were made from the results of Ca, pH, soil acidity, K, P and saturation of soil acidity of 138 soil samples that ...
Interpolation of soil fertility data with Kriging and its validationInterpolación de variables de fertilidad de suelo mediante el análisis Kriging y su validación
The goal of this study was to make and validate interpolated maps of 6 soil fertility variables. The maps were made from the results of Ca, pH, soil acidity, K, P and saturation of soil acidity of 138 soil samples that ...
Krigagem indicadora de atributos físicos do solo na bacia do Alto TaquariIndicator kriging of soil physical attributes in the Alto Taquari basin
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEstatística, 2018)