Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3015
Caracterização das falhas de transferência na porção norte da Bacia de Santos a partir da integração de dados geológicos e geofísicos
Structures transverse/sub-transverse to the shoreline have been identified and characterized on the precambrian basement outcrop on the continent adjacent to the northern Santos Basin. These structures were analyzed from ...
Caracterização das falhas de transferência na porção norte da Bacia de Santos a partir da integração de dados geológicos e geofísicos
Structures transverse/sub-transverse to the shoreline have been identified and characterized on the precambrian basement outcrop on the continent adjacent to the northern Santos Basin. These structures were analyzed from ...
Study of salt structures from gravity and seismic data in Santos Basin, Brazil
(Inst Geophysics Unam, 2016-07-01)
Seismic is one of the main methods used for the identification of structures and stratigraphic studies in sedimentary basins. In the Santos Basin, numerous 2D and 3D seismic surveys are being conducted in order to get a ...
Evolution of a rift basin dominated by subaerial deposits: The Guaritas Rift, Early Cambrian, Southern Brazil
Most existing models for the evolution of rift basins predict the development of deep-water depositional systems during the stage of greatest tectonic subsidence, when accommodation generation potentially outpaces ...
Pore pressure modeling in central area of santos basin, BrazilModelagem de pressões de poros na área central da bacia de santos
Pore pressures (PP) have been studied in a central area of the Santos Basin, Brazil, Special attention was given to the K90 Depositional Sequence, Santonian to Campanian age, composed by two formations-Juréia and Itajaí-Açu. ...
Recurring extensional and strike-slip tectonics after the Neoproterozoic collisional events in the southern Mantiqueira province
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2012)
In Eastern South America, a series of fault-bounded sedimentary basins that crop out from Southern Uruguay to Southeastern Brazil were formed after the main collisional deformation of the Brasiliano Orogeny and record the ...
Salt structures from inversion of residual gravity anomalies: application in Santos Basin, Brazil
(Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, 2019)
Integração de métodos geofísicos na modelagem crustal da Bacia de Santos
The Santos Basin is a passive margin basin generated during the Neocominian, associated with Gondwana breakup event. The thickness of the sedimentary package reaches 15 km, including rift sequence deposited over thinned ...