Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 179
Thermal conductivity of sandwich panels made with synthetic and vegetable fiber vacuum-infused honeycomb cores
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2016-03-03)
Building, naval, and automotive industries have deep interest in eco-friendly, lightweight, stiff and strong materials. In addition, materials with low thermal conductivity are desirable in many applications where energy ...
Factibilidad técnica - económica de la aplicación del sistema panel sandwich en tabiquería de edificaciones comerciales
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2017)
Factibilidad técnica - económica de la aplicación del sistema panel sandwich en tabiquería de edificaciones comerciales
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2017)
Failure mode maps of natural and synthetic fiber reinforced composite sandwich panels
(Elsevier, 2016-12-26)
In the present work, mechanical properties and failure modes of natural and synthetic fiber reinforced composite sandwich panels under three point bending were studied. Analytical models were developed in order to predict ...
Algoritmos de aprendizaje de máquinas para la predicción de Band GAPS en paneles tipo sándwich
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)
Los band gaps corresponden a rangos de frecuencia para los cuales un material celular bloquea la propagación de ondas mecánicas, esta propiedad también puede ser exhibida por paneles tipo sándwich y sus características: ...
Impact location and quantification on an aluminum sandwich panel using principal component analysis and linear approximation with maximum entropy
(MDPI, 2017)
To avoid structural failures it is of critical importance to detect, locate and quantify impact damage as soon as it occurs. This can be achieved by impact identification methodologies, which continuously monitor the ...
Diseño de un panel sándwich semi-ligero con aislamiento de fibra natural proveniente del Ecuador que supere las prestaciones de los paneles existentes actualmente en el mercado, en base a parámetros térmicos, acústicos y de respeto por el medio ambiente
The purpose of this research is to generate sandwich panels in order to be competitive with the different sandwich panel´s marketed in Ecuador. The sandwich panel is made of rise husk as an insulator which is consider an ...
Síntesis y evaluación mecánica de paneles tipo sándwich compuestos por fibra de vidrio y poliuretano reforzado con micropartículas de caucho.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2020-01-20)
The present the titling work aimed to study the effect of the presence of rubber microparticles in a polyurethane foam core for a sandwich panel with fiberglass sheets (GFRP) through both physical and mechanical tests. The ...
Phononic bandgap optimization in sandwich panels using cellular truss cores
(MDPI, 2021)
The development of custom cellular materials has been driven by recent advances in
additive manufacturing and structural topological optimization. These contemporary materials
with complex topologies have better structural ...