Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1008
Effects of substrate and temperature on the emergence of Phacelia sp. (Boraginaceae) seedling
This study aimed to define the best substrate and temperature for the emergence of Phacelia sp. seedling, annual ornamental flower gardens. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial scheme 37 (three ...
Effects of substrate and temperature on the emergence of Phacelia sp. (Boraginaceae) seedling
This study aimed to define the best substrate and temperature for the emergence of Phacelia sp. seedling, annual ornamental flower gardens. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial scheme 37 (three ...
The effects of sand temperature on pre-emergent Green Sea Turtle hatchlingsEfecto de la temperatura de la arena en los días previos al emergimiento de neonatos de Tortuga Verde Marina
(Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 2010-08)
La temperatura de la arena puede desempeñar un rol importante en la supervivencia de neonatos de tortugas marinas. Altas temperaturas de la arena podrían inhibir la coordinación muscular en el proceso de ascenso hacia la ...
Experimental sand burial affects seedling survivorship, morphological traits, and biomass allocation of Ulmus pumila var. sabulosa in the Horqin Sandy Land, China
(Copernicus Publications, 2016-07)
As a native tree species, Ulmus pumila var. sabulosa (sandy elm) is widely distributed in Horqin Sandy Land, China. However, seedlings of this species have to withstand various depths of sand burial after emergence because ...
Geographical distribution of American cutaneous leishmaniasis and its phlebotomine vectors (Diptera: Psychodidae) in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Background: American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is a re-emerging disease in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is important to understand both the vector and disease distribution to help design control strategies. As ...
Geographical distribution of American cutaneous leishmaniasis and its phlebotomine vectors (Diptera: Psychodidae) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil
American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is a re-emerging disease in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It is important to understand both the vector and disease distribution to help design control ...