Mostrando ítems 1-4 de 4
The Three Dimensional Spiral of Sense: a New Paradigm Systemic Applied a Six Areas Disciplinares and Two Axis: Identity and Professionalization
(European Center for Science, Education and Research in Social Sciences, 2016-04)
This article introduces a new systemic theory called “The Three Dimensional Spiral of Sense”, applied to Identity and Professionalization. The epistemological mainstays of the theory are stressed here, a theory supported ...
La formation de formateurs: identité et professionnalisation. Une analyse a travers un modele systemique sui generis "The Three Dimensional Spiral of Sens"Educating educators: identity and professionalization. An analysis based on the systemic model sui generis "the three dimensional spiral of sense"
(European Union for Systemics, 2018-03)
In this paper, we deal with the historical-social situation of teacher education in Argentina and those aspects which have led to a so-called “weakened identity” of this education system and of teachers themselves. This ...
O regime jurídico de proteção à propriedade intelectual sobre variedades de plantas no Brasil e os impactos socioambientais nos sistemas agrícolas locais
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilDireito, 2019)
La “Nueva Normalidad” y el paradigma sistémico “Eco-Ciudadano”: Un acercamiento de modelos, políticas, ética y consciencia individual y colectivaThe "New Normal" and the "Eco-Citizen" systemic paradigm: An approach of models, policies, ethics and individual and collective consciousness
(South Florida Publishing, 2021-12)
La mundialización ha sido acompañada de cambios abruptos en todos los campos. En los últimos años, la posibilidad de una pandemia fue difundida. Sin embargo, los países no estaban suficientemente preparados para hacer ...