Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 112
Wavelet leader multifractal analysis of period and amplitude sequences from sustained vowels
(Elsevier Science, 2015-09)
Irregularities in the amplitude and period are characteristic of both normal and pathological sustained vowels; they are a product of perturbations inherent in the phonation process. Their analysis provides useful diagnostic ...
Margins of tolerance and reference values for the formant vowels for use in voice therapy for the deaf in commercial computer
Purpose: This study presents the margins of minimum and maximum tolerances for the frequencies of the first three formants (F1, F2, and F3) in the pronunciation of vowels of Brazilian Portuguese for use in voice therapy ...
Comparative Analysis of the Closed Quotient for Lip and Tongue Trills in Relation to the Sustained Vowel /epsilon/
Various types of trill exercises have been used for a long time as a tool in the treatment and preparation of the voice. Although they are reported to produce vocal benefits in most subjects, their physiology has not yet ...
Proeminência do Pico Cepstral nas disfonias comportamentais.
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNFonoaudiologia, 2020-12-04)
Objective: The objective of the present study was to identify the values of the Prominence of the Smooth Cepstral Peak (CPPS) in the sustained vowel and in the chained speech in individuals with behavioral dysphonia compared ...
Changes in Glottal Contact Quotient During Resonance Tube Phonation and Phonation With Vibrato
(The Voice Foundation, 2013)
Phonating into narrow hard-walled tubes of varying diameters and length as an extension of the vocal tract
is considered a semioccluded vocal tract exercise. Semioccluded vocal tract postures have been postulated to have ...
Comparison of Two Perceptual Methods for the Evaluation of Vowel Perturbation Produced by Jitter
(Mosby-Elsevier, 2016-07)
Objectives: To explore perceptual evaluation of jitter produced by fundamental frequency (F0) variation in a sustained vowel /a/, using two different methods. One is based on listener's internal references and the other ...
Pico cepstral nas disfonias comportamentais: dados preliminares
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNFonoaudiologia, 2019-12-29)
Introduction: Dysphonia is a vocal disorder that affects the communication and quality of life of the individual, and may limit social and work activities. Since they are more frequent originated in vocal behavior, they ...
Evaluation of Glottal Inverse Filtering Algorithms Using a Physiologically Based Articulatory Speech Synthesizer
Glottal inverse filtering aims to estimate the glottal airflow signal from a speech signal for applications such as speaker recognition and clinical voice assessment. Nonetheless, evaluation of inverse filtering algorithms ...
Variations of Jitter and Shimmer Among Women in Menacme and Postmenopausal Women
The objective of the study was to analyze comparatively the jitter and shimmer values of spoken voice among women in menacme and menopausal women using or not hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). Forty-five women were ...