Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 39
A simple model for the evolution of multi-stranded coronal loops
(IOP Publishing, 2010-08-10)
We develop and analyze a simple cellular automaton model that reproduces the main properties of the evolution of soft X-ray coronal loops. We are motivated by the observation that these loops evolve in three distinguishable ...
Topological Analysis of Emerging Bipole Clusters Producing Violent Solar Events
(Springer, 2014-06)
During the rising phase of Solar Cycle 24 tremendous activity occurred on the Sun with fast and compact emergence of magnetic flux leading to bursts of flares (C to M and even X-class). We investigate the violent events ...
Evolution of the Global Temperature Structure of the Solar Corona During the Minimum between Solar Cycles 23 and 24
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2013-07-19)
The combination of Differential Emission Measure Tomography (DEMT) with extrapolation of the photospheric magnetic field allows determinatio/n of the electron density and electron temperature along individual magnetic field ...
Newly discovered global temperature structures in the quiet sun at solar minimum
(IOP Publishing, 2012-08)
Magnetic loops are building blocks of the closed-field corona. While active region loops are readily seen in images taken at EUV and X-ray wavelengths, quiet-Sun (QS) loops are seldom identifiable and are therefore difficult ...
Magnetic reconnection along quasi-separatrix layers as a drivers of ubiquitous active region outflows
(IOP Publishing, 2009-11)
Hinode´s EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) has discovered ubiquitous outflows of a few to 50 km s<sup>-1</sup> from active regions (ARs). These outflows are most prominent at the AR boundary and appear over monopolar magnetic ...
Using the Evolution of Coronal Dimming Regions to Probe the Global Magnetic Field Topology
(Springer, 2006-12)
We demonstrate that study of the evolving magnetic nature of coronal dimming regions can be used to probe the large-scale magnetic structure involved in the eruption of a coronal mass ejection (CME). We analyse the intensity ...
Blowouts jets and impulsive eruptive flares in a bald-patch topology
(EDP Sciences, 2017-01)
Context. A subclass of broad extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray jets, called blowout jets, have become a topic of research since they could be the link between standard collimated jets and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). ...
Why are CMEs large-scale coronal events: nature or nurture?
(Copernicus Publications, 2008-12)
The apparent contradiction between small-scale source regions of, and large-scale coronal response to, coronal mass ejections (CMEs) has been a long-standing puzzle. For some, CMEs are considered to be inherently large-scale ...
Magnetic Topology of Active Regions and Coronal Holes: Implications for Coronal Outflows and the Solar Wind
(Springer, 2012-11)
During 2-18 January 2008 a pair of low-latitude opposite-polarity coronal holes (CHs) were observed on the Sun with two active regions (ARs) and the heliospheric plasma sheet located between them. We use the Hinode/EUV ...
Submillimeter and X-ray observations of an X class flare
(Edp Sciences S ALes Ulis Cedex AFrança, 2009)