Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2821
Individual consistency in the accuracy and distribution of confidence judgments
(Elsevier Science, 2016-01)
We examine which aspects of the confidence distributions - its shape, its bias toward higher or lower values, and its ability to distinguish correct from erred trials - are idiosyncratic of the who (individual specificity), ...
Neural correlates of perceived confidence in a partial report paradigm
(M I T Press, 2015-06)
Confidence judgments are often severely distorted: People may feel underconfident when responding correctly or, conversely, overconfident in erred responses. Our aim here was to identify the timing of brain processes that ...
The idiosyncratic nature of confidence
(Nature Publishing Group, 2017-11)
Confidence is the 'feeling of knowing' that accompanies decision-making. Bayesian theory proposes that confidence is a function solely of the perceived probability of being correct. Empirical research has suggested, however, ...
Dynamics of visibility, confidence, and choice during eye movements
(American Psychological Association, 2014-04)
We study the dynamics of objective and subjective measures of visibility and choice in brief presentations occurring within a fixation during free eye-movements. We show that brief presentations yield homogeneous levels ...
The self-confidence of dental students in oral surgery
(Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Costa Rica, 2021)
The Spatial and Temporal Construction of Confidence in the Visual Scene
Human subjects can report many items of a cluttered field a few hundred milliseconds after stimulus presentation. This memory decays rapidly and after a second only 3 or 4 items can be stored in working memory. Here we ...
Variance misperception explains illusions of confidence in simple perceptual decisions
(Elsevier, 2014-07)
Confidence in a perceptual decision is a judgment about the quality of the sensory evidence. The quality of the evidence depends not only on its strength ('signal') but critically on its reliability ('noise'), but the ...
Autonomous modulations and self-confidence of high performance athletes
The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of the self-confidence inventory (SCI) with heart rate variability (HRV) in Olympic slalom canoeist. The subjects consisted of 34 high performance slalom canoeing ...
Confidence intervals to bound the value of time
The derivation of a subjective value of time (SVT) requires finding the marginal rate of substitution between travel time and cost in a travel choice model. In the typical case of models with linear-in-parameters utility ...