Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 568
Relationship between ozone, meteorological conditions, gas exchange and leaf injury in Nicotiana tabacum Bel-W3 in a sub-tropical region
The city of Sao Paulo is located in a subtropical region whose climate exhibits few defined seasons as well as frequent oscillations in temperature and rainfall throughout the year. In addition to interfering with physiological ...
The relevance of ecoregions and mountainous environments in the diversity and endemism of land gastropods
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2021-04)
Twenty-five sub-ecoregions make Argentina from southern South America a favored area to study the mutual correspondence between environments and biodiversity. Unfortunately, efforts devoted to study these environments are ...
A critical assessment of the JULES land surface model hydrology for humid tropical environments
(Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 2013-01)
Global land surface models (LSMs) such as the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) are originally developed to provide surface boundary conditions for climate models. They are increasingly used for hydrological ...
Phenology, biomass and productivity of sub-Antarctic Ruppia filifolia
(Springer, 2015)
Seagrasses play important ecological roles in shallow coastal ecosystems from tropical to sub-polar seas. Ruppia filifolia (Phil.) Skottsberg is the seagrass with the world's southernmost distribution but with virtually ...
Sub-tropical urban environment affecting content and composition of non-structural carbohydrates of Lolium multiflorum ssp italicum cv. Lema
This study analyzed the relationship between environmental factors, especially air pollution and climatic conditions, and non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in plants of Lolium multiflorum exposed during 10 consecutive ...
Projected climate change impacts on tropical life zones in Costa Rica. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment
Efforts to protect tropical ecosystems aim at implementing biological corridors across the national territory of Costa Rica. However, potential near-future climate change challenges the effectiveness of such conservation ...
Not just the lack of food
Whose who are familiar with rural areas of developing nations are often amazed to tind malnourished children in families where food is available in amounts sufficient to ensure an adequate diet. There may seem to be plenty ...
Not just the lack of food
Whose who are familiar with rural areas of developing nations are often amazed to tind malnourished children in families where food is available in amounts sufficient to ensure an adequate diet. There may seem to be plenty ...