Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 54
A spectral approach based on generalized Sturmian functions for two- and three-body scattering problems
(IOP Publishing, 2012-01)
A methodology based on generalized Sturmian functions is put forward to solve two- and three-body scattering problems. It uses a spectral method which allows for the inclusion of the correct asymptotic behavior when ...
Sturmian expansions for two-electron atomic systems: Singly and doubly excited states
(American Physical Society, 2010-10)
We present a configuration interaction (CI) method based on the Sturmian expansion for bound states of a two-electron atomic system. These Sturmian functions are solutions of one-electron quantum mechanical problems, where ...
Discrete sets of Sturmian functions applied to two-electron atoms
(American Physical Society, 2009-02)
We present a configuration-interaction (CI) method based on Sturmian functions. The components of this CI basis are the solutions of a two-body Sturmian eigenproblem, where the eigenvalues are related to the interacting ...
Sturmian functions in a L2 basis: critical nuclear charge for n-electron atoms
(Elsevier Science, 2007-12)
Two particle Sturmian functions [M. Rotenberg, Ann. Phys., NY 19 (1962) 262; S.V. Khristenko, Theor. Math. Fiz. 22 (1975) 31 (Engl. Transl. Theor. Math. Phys. 22, 21)] for a short range potentials are obtained by expanding ...
Collision problems treated with the Generalized Hyperspherical Sturmian method
(IOP Publishing, 2014-04)
An hyperspherical Sturmian approach recently developed for three-body break-up processes is presented. To test several of its features, the method is applied to two simplified models. Excellent agreement is found when ...
Use of generalized hyperspherical Sturmian functions for a three-body break-up model problem
(IOP Publishing, 2013-01)
A hyperspherical Sturmian approach recently developed for three-body break-up processes is tested through an analytically solvable S-wave model. The scattering process is represented by a non-homogeneous Schrödinger equation ...
Theory of Hyperspherical Sturmians for Three-Body Reactions
(American Chemical Society, 2009-12)
In this paper we present a theory to describe three-body reactions. Fragmentation processes are studied by means of the Schro ̈dinger equation in hyperspherical coordinates. The three-body wave function is written as a sum ...
A general method to obtain sturmian functions for continuum and bound state problems with coulomb interactions
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2010-04)
In this article, we investigate discretization schemes to represent Sturmian functions for both positive and negative energies in the presence of a long range Coulomb potential.We explore two methods to obtain Sturmian ...
Two-dimensional Sturmian basis set for bound state calculations
(Elsevier, 2019)
Sturmian functions (SF) constitute a very useful spectral tool to deal with bound states or break-up problems in atomic and molecular physics. In their standard form for the three-body case, the radial part of the wave ...
Mathematical properties of generalized Sturmian functions
(IOP Publishing, 2012-01)
We study some mathematical properties of generalized Sturmian functions which are solutions of a Schrödinger-like equation supplemented by two boundary conditions. These generalized functions, for any value of the energy, ...