Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34
A spectral approach based on generalized Sturmian functions for two- and three-body scattering problems
(IOP Publishing, 2012-01)
A methodology based on generalized Sturmian functions is put forward to solve two- and three-body scattering problems. It uses a spectral method which allows for the inclusion of the correct asymptotic behavior when ...
Sturmian expansions for two-electron atomic systems: Singly and doubly excited states
(American Physical Society, 2010-10)
We present a configuration interaction (CI) method based on the Sturmian expansion for bound states of a two-electron atomic system. These Sturmian functions are solutions of one-electron quantum mechanical problems, where ...
Discrete sets of Sturmian functions applied to two-electron atoms
(American Physical Society, 2009-02)
We present a configuration-interaction (CI) method based on Sturmian functions. The components of this CI basis are the solutions of a two-body Sturmian eigenproblem, where the eigenvalues are related to the interacting ...
A general method to obtain sturmian functions for continuum and bound state problems with coulomb interactions
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2010-04)
In this article, we investigate discretization schemes to represent Sturmian functions for both positive and negative energies in the presence of a long range Coulomb potential.We explore two methods to obtain Sturmian ...
Theory of Hyperspherical Sturmians for Three-Body Reactions
(American Chemical Society, 2009-12)
In this paper we present a theory to describe three-body reactions. Fragmentation processes are studied by means of the Schro ̈dinger equation in hyperspherical coordinates. The three-body wave function is written as a sum ...
Two-dimensional Sturmian basis set for bound state calculations
(Elsevier, 2019)
Sturmian functions (SF) constitute a very useful spectral tool to deal with bound states or break-up problems in atomic and molecular physics. In their standard form for the three-body case, the radial part of the wave ...
Sturmian functions in a L2 basis: critical nuclear charge for n-electron atoms
(Elsevier Science, 2007-12)
Two particle Sturmian functions [M. Rotenberg, Ann. Phys., NY 19 (1962) 262; S.V. Khristenko, Theor. Math. Fiz. 22 (1975) 31 (Engl. Transl. Theor. Math. Phys. 22, 21)] for a short range potentials are obtained by expanding ...
Use of generalized hyperspherical Sturmian functions for a three-body break-up model problem
(IOP Publishing, 2013-01)
A hyperspherical Sturmian approach recently developed for three-body break-up processes is tested through an analytically solvable S-wave model. The scattering process is represented by a non-homogeneous Schrödinger equation ...
Mathematical properties of generalized Sturmian functions
(IOP Publishing, 2012-01)
We study some mathematical properties of generalized Sturmian functions which are solutions of a Schrödinger-like equation supplemented by two boundary conditions. These generalized functions, for any value of the energy, ...
Generalized Sturmian Functions applied to double continuum problems
(IOP Publishing, 2015-04)
The Generalized Sturmian Functions method aims to deal with atomic physics
problems. It has seen application to two and three?body problems, and its flexibility enables one to work with bound systems as well as with ...