Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 33
NO and NO 2 Adsorption on Terrace, Step, and Corner Sites of the BaO Surface from DFT Calculations
(American Chemical Society, 2004-04)
The adsorption of NO and NO2 molecules at the BaO surface has been investigated by means of density functional theory (DFT) cluster model calculations. Regular adsorption sites at flat terraces have been compared with those ...
Effect of annealing conditions on the optical properties and surface morphologies of (201)-oriented β-Ga2O3 crystals
(Elsevier Science, 2021-10)
The bulk properties of β-Ga2O3 are sensitive to temperature and atmosphere; therefore, suitable annealing conditions are required. This study was performed to investigate the effects of annealing conditions on the (201) ...
Estudo do crescimento de nanofios de ferro em superfícies vicinais usando a Teoria do Cristal Equivalente e o Método BFS
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2009-03-06)
Vicinal surfaces have been drawing the attention of condensed mattercommunity in the last few years because of their use in some activities ofhigh technological interest, namely: a) they are used in catalytic processes, ...
Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of GaN nanowires on epitaxial single-layer graphene
(Spie-int Soc Optical Engineering, 2018-01-01)
We investigate the formation of GaN nanowires in plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy on epitaxial graphene prepared on SiC(0001) using the surface graphitization method in an inductively heated furnace. The pristine ...
STM study of the initial growth stages of AlF3 on Cu(100)
(Comité Interamericano de Sociedades de Microscopía Electrónica, 2009-10)
The composition, growth mechanism and structure of thin films of insulators deposited on several metal surfaces are topics that have attracted widespread interest in recent years. Work in this field has been motivated by ...
Mechanisms of defect generation and clustering in CH 3S Self-assembled monolayers on Au(111)
(American Chemical Society, 2012-08)
Periodic density functional calculations probe that step edges play a key role as source of defects during self-assembly. It is shown that the self-assembly process strongly reduces the energy required to strip an atom ...
Spontaneous deposition of Sn on Au(1 1 1): An in situ STM study
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2008-10)
The tin adlayer formed by spontaneous deposition on Au(1 1 1) was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in sulphuric acid solution. Cyclic voltammetry measurements showed ...
New insights into the Sn underpotential deposition on Au(100)
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2012-01)
The underpotential deposition (UPD) of Sn in the system Au(100)/Sn2+, SO42− has been studied by classical electrochemical techniques and in situ scanning tunneling microscopy. The results show that the Sn UPD initiates at ...
Los cañones submarinos del Margen Continental Argentino: una síntesis sobre su génesis y dinámica sedimentariaThe submarine canyons of the Argentine Continental Margin: a review of their formation and sedimentary dynamics
(Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología, 2017-06)
Los cañones submarinos son los mayores rasgos erosivos de los márgenes continentales tanto activos como pasivos. Desde los albores del siglo XX, representan un fructífero tema de debate e investigación por su gran relevancia ...
Surface morphologies in GaAs homoepitaxy: Mound formation and evolution
(American Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 1998)