Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 224
Dual identities in intergroup contact: Group status and size moderate the generalization of positive attitude change
To explore the effects of various categorization strategies on intergroup bias within and beyond a contact situation, two experiments were conducted involving groups of different size and/or status that worked together on ...
The Legitimacy of the ‘Colectivos’ and the Police in Venezuela: A Comparative Public Opinion Study
(Universidad del Zulia, 2023)
O Estado de coisa inconstitucional e sua proposta a m??xima efetividade dos Direitos Fundamentais
(Faculdade de DireitoNUMAC - N??cleo de Monografia e Atividades ComplementaresUFBAbrasil, 2017-12-14)
Role of Ombudsman in human rights protection in a contemporary state
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
The «Children of War»: Peruvian-Chilean Children During the Occupation of Lima (1881-1883)Los «hijos de la guerra»: niños peruano-chilenos durante la ocupación de Lima (1881-1883)
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017)
The technical discourse of the Physical Education or the glass ceiling. Outline of a discussion on the disciplinary code of the Physical Education and its precarious legitimacyEl discurso técnico de la educación física o el techo de cristal. Bosquejo de un debate sobre el código disciplinar de la educación física y su precaria legitimidadDiscurso técnico de Educação Física ou o teto de cristal. Esboço de um debate sobre o código disciplinar da Educação Física e sua precária legitimidade
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)
Los «hijos de la guerra»: niños peruano-chilenos durante la ocupación de Lima (1881-1883)The «Children of War»: Peruvian-Chilean Children During the Occupation of Lima (1881-1883)
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2018)
Legitimación procesal de las asociaciones de consumidoresProcedural legitimacy of consumer associations
(Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas, 2022)
Resumen: El presente trabajo versa sobre la legitimación procesal de las asociaciones
de consumidores como parte actora en un reclamo judicial. A tales
efectos desbrozaremos primeramente el concepto y contenido de la ...
Reconstructing Legitimacy After Crisis: The Chilean Path to a New Constitution
Social movements have contested the elitist character of Chilean political institutions in the streets for the past two decades. Citizens have distanced themselves from conventional participation, and turnout rates dropped ...