Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4876
Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with modified asexual reproduction optimisation algorithm
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)
A mixed evolutionary-statistical analysis of an algorithm's complexity
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2003)
Statistical Comparisons of the Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining for Classification Task
This work is builds on the study of the 10 top data mining algorithms identified by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) community in December 2006. We address the same study, but with the application ...
A statistical approach for the fine-tuning of metaheuristics: A case study combining design of experiments and racing algorithms
The fine-tuning of heuristics and metaheuristics exercises a great influence in both the solution process, as well as in the quality of results of optimization problems. The search for the best fit of these algorithms is ...
Robust parallel fast-ICA algorithms using batch and adaptive MMSE estimators
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación, 2012)
All the algorithms for ICA require high-order statistics to estimate the independent components. This is because second-order information is insufficient to assess that two random variables are independent of each other. ...
Parameters analysis of QIEA-R in convergence quality
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)
QIEA-R (Quantum Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm with Real Codification) was proposed for solving numerical problems obtaining better results when compared with traditional EAs, DE and PSO algorithms. It is inspired on the ...
Convergence analysis of an elitist non-homogeneous genetic algorithm with crossover/mutation probabilities adjusted by a fuzzy controller
(Soc Chilena Estadistica-soche, 2018-09-01)
In recent years, several attempts to improve the efficiency of the canonical genetic algorithm have been presented. The advantage of the elitist non-homogeneous genetic algorithm is that, variations of the mutation ...
Economic-statistical design of the (X)over-bar chart used to control a wandering process mean using genetic algorithm
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2012-12-01)
This research considers the process mean wanders according to a first-order autoregressive model. During the in-control period the process mean wanders around its target value, and after the assignable cause occurrence, ...