Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23258
Internal standard addition calibration: Determination of calcium and magnesium by atomic absorption spectrometry
Internal standard addition (ISA) is a new calibration method that combines the principles of internal standardization and standard additions. The current work demonstrated the effectiveness of ISA for the determination of ...
The reversed-axis method to estimate precision in standard additions analysis
The standard additions (SA) method is one of the most important calibration strategies in quantitative chemical analysis. It is a powerful tool to minimize matrix effects and enable precise and accurate determinations. On ...
Standard addition method with cumulative additions: Monte Carlo uncertainty evaluation
(Elsevier B.V., 2019-06-20)
The cumulative standard addition method allows the calibration of an instrument affected by matrix effects when a small sample volume is available. Recently, it was developed and validated a metrologically sound procedure ...
Experimento utilizando grãos para explorar a calibração em análises químicas
(Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2014-01-01)
The conventional curriculum of Analytical Chemistry undergraduate courses emphasizes the introduction of techniques, methods and procedures used for instrumental analysis. All these concepts must be integrated into a sound ...
A novel second-order standard addition analytical method based on data processing with multidimensional partial least-squares and residual bilinearization
(Elsevier Science, 2009-10)
In the presence of analyte-background interactions and a significant background signal, both second-order multivariate calibration and standard addition are required for successful analyte quantitation achieving the ...
Produção de sínter com pellet screenings e pellet feed com emprego de granulação intensiva
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2015-11-27)
Pilot sintering tests were performed in order to compare production parameters and quality of sinters produced based on Western Europe and Asia standard mixtures, with sinters produced from the addition of Samarcos pellet ...
How Does Court Stability Affect Legal Stability?
Judicial ideology in court has attracted the attention of political scientists and legal economists. The question we address here is the extent to which ideological stability impacts the law. We consider a model where a ...
Development of a second-order standard addition fluorescence method for the direct determination of riboflavin in human urine samples without previous clean up and separation steps
(Elsevier Science, 2017-07)
A new strategy for the determination of riboflavin (RF, or vitamin B2) in human urine samples has been developed, combining excitation-emission fluorescence matrix (EEFM) data in standard addition mode and second-order ...
Sequential injection analysis implementing multiple standard additions for As speciation by liquid chromatography and atomic fluorescence spectrometry (SIA-HPLC-AFS)
An analytical procedure for multiple standard additions of arsenic species using sequential injection analysis (SIA) is proposed for their quantification in seafood extracts. SIA presented flexibility for generating multiple ...