Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Skeletal development in the fossorial gymnophthalmids Calyptommatus sinebrachiatus and Nothobachia ablephara
The development of the cartilaginous and bony elements that form the skull and axial and appendicular skeleton is described in detail for the post-ovipositional embryonic development of the fossorial gymnophthalmid species ...
Through the Looking Glass: The Spectacle in Gymnophthalmid Lizards
(Hoboken, 2014-03)
The anatomy and development of the eyelids in squamate reptiles are still relatively unknown, considering its variation within the group. The neotropical Gymnophthalmini are traditionally characterized by having lost the ...
Effects of pregnancy on body temperature and locomotor performance of velvet geckos
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-04)
Pregnancy is a challenging period for egg laying squamates. Carrying eggs can encumber females and decrease their locomotor performance, potentially increasing their risk of predation. Pregnant females can potentially ...
Characterization of thermal and hydric conditions of nesting sites of female Aspidoscelis costatus costatus (Squamata: Teiidae)
(Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 2021)
Contribución al conocimiento de la anatomía macroscópica y microscópica de la tortuga sabanera Podocnemis vogli
(Universidad de los Llanos, 2021-07-22)
Se describió la anatomía macroscópica y microscópica de los sistemas digestivo, respiratorio y urogenital de diez ejemplares de tortuga sabanera Podocnemis vogli (Pelomedusidae), cinco machos y cinco hembras, también se ...
Newly discovered fossils provide novel insights on Cenozoic neotropical snakes
Snakes are a group of squamates with an enormous diversity in the Neotropics. However, the fossil record of this vertebrates is scarce in northern South America. Here I describe some fossil snakes from three different ...